Angry Panda

Angry Panda

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To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Angry Panda

$PANDA. The most rebellious MEME. It's kicking the banks to the curb and putting power back in your hands.

The Angrey Panda has had enough of the traditional banking system's control over people's finances. As banks crumble under the weight of rate hikes and reckless money-printing policies, the Angry Panda emerges to gather our community to rise.

NO Taxes

All buy or sell transaction are tax free!

Liquidity Locked

Initial LP will be locked for 365 days and can be effortlessly tracked here.


to liquidity Pool and LP token locked for 365 days


to the community who share about $PANDA on social channels.


Centralized exchange listings

Angry Panda Roadmap

  • Phase 1
    CoinGecko/Coinmarketcap Listings
    1,000+ Holders
    Get $PANDA Trending on twitter with our memetic power
  • Phase 2
    Community Partnerships Panda Times digital newsletter
    Formation of closed Panda community for holders, more details TBA
    1,000+ Holders
    CEX Listings 10,000+holders
  • Phase 3
    Panda merch
    Panda Circle
    Panda Terminals
    T1 Exchange Listings 100,000+ holders
    Meme Takeover

Angry Panda Letzte Nachrichten

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