Alternative RUBLE

Alternative RUBLE

Created using Figma
Our Mission: To provide people with secure financial tools that make it easier to adopt and use cryptocurrencies around the world.
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Über Alternative RUBLE

Stablecoins are the money of the future

Currently, stablecoins are one of the most important financial instruments for cryptocurrencies. Thanks to stablecoins, it became possible to carry out exchanges into fiat money understandable to many people without leaving the cryptocurrency.

100% backed and fully transparent

As collateral, Alternative RUBLE uses another stablecoin - BUSD. BUSD is a US dollar stablecoin, the stability of which is controlled by several organizations, including Paxos and Binance. This ensures a high level of stability of the Alternative RUBLE.

ARUB tokens are available on the following platforms

We are constantly developing the Alternative RUBLE stablecoin and entering into new partnerships with various organizations to increase the popularity of the token.
The token is currently available on these platforms:

Alternative RUBLE Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Mikhail Belyaev
Founder & CEO
Daria Barkova
Founder & CPO
Andrei Nedobylskii

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