

Created using Figma
Alpha Coin ist eine einzigartige Kryptowährung, die sofortige, automatisierte, garantierte Gewinne über unsere Alpha Trading Platform bietet.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Ziel 1 400 000.00 USD
Limit 1 400 000.00 USD
Eingetragenes Land
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Über AlphaCoin

Das erste Coin Offering (ICO) von AlphaCoin wird am 12. Januar 2018 bis 16. Februar 2018 durch den Verkauf von 100.000.000 AlphaCoins über 35 Tage gestartet. Der Preis in Runde 1 der ICO wird $ 0,16 pro Münze sein und sich jede Woche bis zum Abschluss der ICO verdoppeln. AlphaCoin's sind ein ERC-20 Token, das auf der Proof Blockchain aufgebaut ist.

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& nbsp;

Der Preis zum Zeitpunkt des offiziellen Starts beträgt $ 6.00 !!!

AlphaCoin Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

James Davis
CEO & Founder
Tim Cosic
COO & Co-Founder
Branco Simitri
Cheif Technology Officer

AlphaCoin Letzte Nachrichten

5.0 4
ICO Profil Vision Aktivität Potenzial Produkt Mannschaft

% name% Bewertungen


AlphaCoin promises huge profits to their ICO investors and has already paid out some of their earliest supporters. However, they don’t seem to have a very detailed plan for how they wish to proceed into the future year. Their roadmap says that they are going to fully launch their trading platform and distribute debit cards, but they don’t offer a detailed description of how they want to implement these systems.
Also, AlphaCoin doesn’t have any significant backers, and their online presence is relatively small. Overall, AlphaCoin could provide a decent profit to their first wave of investors, but their future seems very uncertain, so they probably won’t be a good long-term investment.

Guaranteed Profits: Investors who invest in the ICO at $1.28 are guaranteed to make a profit when the coin officially hits the market on February 16th.
ERC-20 Compliant: This cryptocurrency operates on Ethereum’s blockchain which means that it is fast, secure, and reliable.

Not Innovative: They have an interesting trading platform, but they don’t offer a solution to any real-world problems. They seem a lot like a get rich quick scheme.
No Backers and Small Presence: This token has no important backers and has a very small online presence.

News, reviews

Well, since crytpocurrency has been one of the most innovative technological advancement since the onset of the internet, it’s safe to bet on most of these coins. The Alphacoin provides a great opportunity to make profits with a steasy rise in value. The team that is behind Alphacoin has vast experience on the Blockchain technology. Backed by a fully automated profit generating system, only time will tell how well the Alphacoin performs in the crypto space.

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