Aloha Defi

Aloha Defi

Created using Figma
To be announced
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Über Aloha Defi

Globally 3.5 billion people carry smartphones. Everyone has to pay that monthly bill. Yet on a daily basis, 76% of us find ourselves in the position where we cannot get online or we cannot get
online unless we pay. Did you know that 67% of us do not use all the bandwidth (data) allocated to us, either on our mobile phone contracts or home / business Internet Service Provider contracts?Surf the web and make waves with Aloha!

Aloha is a service that monetises unused data, allowing smartphones via the Aloha app, the opportunity to share some of that data by sharing wifi & data in exchange for payment in loyalty tokens. Aloha is totally secure, free to access and open for anyone nearby that needs it.

Aloha Defi Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Martin Regan
Entreprenuer & CEO
Phillip Legg
Casey Blanche
Head of Operations
Juanjo Chust
Blockchain Senior Dev
Nelson Marco
Blockchain Dev
Valentin Stancu
Senior Software Dev
Joanna Nemes
Marketing Coordinator
George Stancu
Software Dev
Jorge Rodriguez
Project Security

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