Allrunning DAO

Allrunning DAO

Created using Figma
Allrunning is an application that applied Game-Fi and Social-Fi aspects.
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Über Allrunning DAO

The official version 1.0 will be released in Q4, 2022.
  • 1. Download and Install Run Together
  • 2. Register an account After accessing the app on your device, you can sign up with your e-mail address. You will receive a verification code to access the new account.
  • 3. Connect to a BSC network Wallet In the top right corner of the screen, tap the Wallet icon. Then you will need to connect your Wallet which is connect to the BSC network. If you don't have a wallet, you need to create one. The wallet program will generate a secret 12-word chunk, that will be required to restore your Wallet in case you uninstall the app or forget your password. Quick note: Remember to take the words with you and store them safely.
  • 4. Transfer BNB into in-app wallet After then, you will need to transfer some BNB into your new in-app wallet.
  • 5. Buy yourself the NFTs! Select your pairs of Shoes, clothing, and other accessories from the Marketplace. Be sure to see if you have enough BNB to make the purchase. Shoes are the first item that users must purchase in order to begin running.
Well done, you are now ready! Following the purchase of the items, Hydro will regenerate at a 25% rate every 6 hours (fixed at GMT+7 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00). You can begin Running via Allrunning as soon as you have your Hydro recovered for the first time.

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