Alloy Project

Alloy Project

Created using Figma
Alloy Project The Next Generation Anonymous Cryptocurrency
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  • TradeOgre
    XAO/BTC vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0005
    $ 3.30
  • maplechange

Über Alloy Project

Decentralized cryptocurrencies are slowly becoming a part of normal everyday life, adapting to create a new revolutionary economy based on digital money. Alloy allows anyone to send money digitally over our decentralized blockchain instantly, anywhere in the world, to anyone in the world, anonymously.

True Privacy
Alloy is one of a few rare cryptocurrencies with true privacy - a feature that makes digital currency act like physical cash and be essentially untraceable. Alloy is created with high level of secrecy in mind, leveraging Ring Signatures to conceal sources/amounts transferred and make it highly resistant to blockchain-analysis attacks and general snooping.

 Fast Transactions
3 minutes block times assure for fast transactions and miner friendliness.

 Easy To Mine
Difficulty changes along a smooth curve to assure a fair and equitable experience for miners.

 Strong Security
Alloy utilizes the power of a distributed peer-to-peer consensus network and every transaction is cryptographically secured. Individual accounts have a mnemonic seed displayed when created, which can be written down to back up the account and account files are encrypted with a passphrase to ensure they additionally protected.

 Supply & Emission
Total supply: 84M coins in 20 years, then additional coins each year for inflation. Approximately 5% was premined and allocated for future development.

Coin symbol: XAO.

Hash algorithm: Alloy-CryptoNight (Proof-Of-Work).

Block time: 180 seconds.

Emission scheme: Alloy's block reward changes every number of block following a hill like distribution. However, the emission path of Alloy is generally not far apart from that of Bitcoin.

Alloy was designed with idea of anonymity and untracability in mind. In todays world where your every step is regulated by authorities, Alloy used blockchain technology to resist. It is our primal right to manage our assets independently, without control! The question is : »what will you do about it?«

On stable and secured blockchain, based on annonimous and untracable CryptoNote protocol, decentralised exchange will be established. Decentralised exchanges (DEX) are the future of crypto trading. It won't take long before DEX overcome current centralised exchanges, as they have some very obvious advantages such as trustless nature (users hold their funds in their personal wallets), privacy (no personal details required), no risk for server downtime (nodes system), no risk of funds being stolen (no "honeypot"). Alloy DEX will become a base for all the future work of the project. More outside developers will be attracted to use Alloy blockchain and DEX as a base for working on their ideas and therefore add more unique »extensions« and use cases. Creativity, unique ideas, innovation, talent, vision ... only sky is the limit!

Alloy was designed with perfect features to become payment method. Secure, private, untracable, fast with practically zero fees are just some of them. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are the revolution of financial system, more and more companies and individuals are on the verge of this. Banks are slow, expensive, rigid, centralised, to mention just some of downsides of current financial system. The time of change is coming! Alloy is not limited to »cryptoworld«, it will be implemented as payment method in real world companies, and in time will be used by companies and individuals around the globe.

 XAO coin use
Payment method – XAO coin will be used as payment for services or goods. Traditional way of paying with cash or credit card, as you know it today, will soon be replaced with cryptocurrencies. XAO is one of them which aim is take a role of payment method (what you today know as cash, credit card, check), with unique features such as secure, private, untracable, fast with practically zero fees to mention just some of them.

Alloy decentralised exchange will only take listing fees in XAO currency. Each project/cryptocurrency that will be listed on Alloy DEX will pay certain amount of XAO for listing. What is more, trading fees on Alloy DEX will be charged in XAO currency. This will create constant demand for XAO coin and alot of circulation.

Unknown – Once Alloy DEX is up and running, more outside developers will start using Alloy blockchain and DEX as a base for their work. This will provide with to date unknown possibilities and use cases for Alloy Project and XAO currency.

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