Allium Finance

Allium Finance

Created using Figma
Allium Finance Assures Zero Deflation on the Go !
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Allium Finance

The Auto-Liquidity and Boost mechanism is the key

Allium tokens will be directly available for purchase on PancakeSwap and Other BSC Dex echanges. Further to this the tokens will also be available on Dex

The tokens in Swap will have an Auto-Liquidity mechanism wherein every transaction is backed into adding back Allium to the pool and also maintaining the burn events in multiple intervals.

We assure a high yielding and mooning Allium token experience to holders.

The Allium Community

We are building a community of moon token enthusiasts. Once the Allium is up and living with High number of addresses and high volume trading on Dex and Cex the community will develop platforms to encourage and add more value to Allium and also introduce new moon tokens.


Auto-Locking Liquidity

7% of each transaction is locked to liquidity forever. This contributes to lower volatility and a continuously increasing price floor.

Automated Staking Rewards.

$Allium holders are getting automated staking reward as 3% per transaction. You not need to stake anywhere just HOLD it and earn more $Allium daily

Permanent Burn

Will burn 50% of the total supply after the $Allium launch. As this address also participates in the protocol, it accumulates more tokens, effectively removing them from circulation.

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