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Airin is a cryptocurrency, and development platform which enables shared multi-nodes in larger high marketcap coins.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • CryptoBridge
    AIRIN/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
  • Graviex
    AIRIN/BTC % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 1.0283338444144E-5
    $ 544.08

Über Airin

Airin is a cryptocurrency, and development platform which enables shared multi-nodes in larger high marketcap coins.

Airin is currently a hybrid Proof of Stake (POS) and Masternode (MN) coin. The Platform is being built to feature shared multinodes in larger well known established projects. Investors without large amounts of capital will be able to use the platform to connect with huge projects currently paying out coins equivalent to thousands of U.S. Dollars per month. In addition, those who wish to participate at higher levels can purchase a full Airin Masternode, the details are of which are described below.

Shared Masternodes

The Airin platform has plans to add to following masternodes into it’s portfolio of shared masternodes: Dash, Diamond, Pivx, Crown, and Gobyte.

Development and Community

The Airin development team is active, and goal oriented. The community is able to participate, along with the developers, in the progress of Airin through very active Discord, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram, social-media accounts. The community is to be involved in matters involving the further development of the platform, especially in the adding of new shared masternodes. The Airin team believes in a steady flow of news just like you do

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