Africa Dao Token

Africa Dao Token

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100% abgeschlossen
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Limit 125.00
Harte Kappe 250.00
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Über Africa Dao Token

Africa is one of the poorest continents in the world, they have difficulties from the economic to extreme climate, Africa DAO's mission is to give African people a better life through activities related to football and the 2022 World Cup.

Through Africa DAO, every investor in the world can invest in Africa. African people have excellent health and physical condition, so they have the potential to play sports very well. Africa DAO will raise charity funds to build stadiums, donating shoes and clothes to improve the lives of people here.

NFTs Collection
We will develop NFTs and SocialFi soon after listing. This is inspired by stories of African players who have successful careers and always do charity work after every season. Each collection is limited in quantity and will be distributed throughout Africa.

Stadium Invesment
Africa is a poor continent in the world; we realize that there is a lot of potential in this continent to develop good football players, so AfricaDAO was born on behalf of crypto investors that can build stadiums or donate equipment to develop football in this continent.

AfricaDAO launchpad
Africa DAO will develop a launchpad to be able to connect with many other DAO projects as well as traditional organizations, by staking and issuing related tokens. This function will be developed with partners soon after listing.

Trainning Center Invesment
The difference between regular charities and Africa DAO is that in Africa DAO there will be no leader. We want to build a fair community and develop a sound generation of players, we must train evenly and regularly, and investing in training centers is also one of the criteria that we aim at.

Africa Dao Token Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Building website and community.
    Develope Smart Contract on BSC and Audit.
    Litepaper release.
    Created a sucessful Pinksale presale.
    Whitelist competition for presale.
    Media Marketing
    First Charity Events.
  • Phase 2

  • Building website and community.
    Develope Smart Contract on BSC and Audit.
    Litepaper release.
    Created a sucessful Pinksale presale.
    Whitelist competition for presale.
    Media Marketing
    First Charity Events.
  • Phase 3

  • Building website and community.
    Develope Smart Contract on BSC and Audit.
    Litepaper release.
    Created a sucessful Pinksale presale.
    Whitelist competition for presale.
    Media Marketing
    First Charity Events.
  • Phase 4

  • 1,000,000 holders.
    Complete 50 football fields for children in Africa.
    Raising a global children's soccer fund
    Combine many charitable DAO funds in the world.
    Binance, Houbi Listing.
    Token price increased x1000.

Africa Dao Token Letzte Nachrichten

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