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Accel Chain is based on traffic-based service output and application ecological public chain, focusing on realizing traffic certification in multiple scenarios such as Internet cafes, homes, IDCs, etc., to create a blockchain that shares idle network broadband, storage resources and computing power. project.
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • DigiFinex
    ACCE/USDT % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0006
    $ 0.0057

Über Accel

Accel Chain is based on traffic-based service output and application ecological public chain, focusing on realizing traffic certification in multiple scenarios such as Internet cafes, homes, IDCs, etc., to create a blockchain that shares idle network broadband, storage resources and computing power. project.

Accel Chain will construct an ecological community of bilateral (multilateral) markets, consisting mainly of resource nodes, transaction books, traffic trading platforms, traffic customers, application developers, and community users.

Home users, Internet cafes, IDCs, and other resource nodes share idle traffic on Accel Chian. Each sharing behavior of each resource node is recorded on the transaction book of Accel Chain. The DAPPs of the traffic trading platform will automatically retrieve, find, provide, use and output all the traffic resources required by the demander through Accel Chain, and use ACCE as the pass to achieve the transaction behavior of the traffic according to the market value. In the end, the revenue of Accel Chain will be shared according to the community users' ACCE holding ratio. Community users refer to all those who participate in the construction of Accel Chian and participate in the holding of ACCE

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