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$867 CRYPTO is determined to change the BSC space, one casino style game at a time! What’s the goal? Huge jackpots, and addicting game releases often! $867 CRYPTO is a BUSINESS, NOT A PROJECT! – With the CORE team comprised of seasoned international business veterans, sharing over 65 years of experience.
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Über 867 CRYPTO

The $867 Casino is an all-inclusive crypto casino and community entertainment platform! With various casino style games scheduled for release! The 867 Casino is sure to entertain everyone! /KEEP_WATCHING The casino platform will allow holders of $867 tokens to access and play a wide range of casino style, casino tournament style games, and skill based games. Minimum holding requirement details will be revealed as we get closer to the release of our V2 gaming platform. There is no direct wagering of the $867 token or any other crypto currencies in our Casino. So you never have to worry about losing any of your investments. All games are free to play, but entry into the exclusive "$867 High Roller" rooms will be based on your holdings of the $867 tokens, and will be checked via wallet integration. The Jackpots and Prizes in these rooms are going to BLOW YOUR MINDS! We have a list of casino style games being worked on NOW! THE PLAN IS TO RELEASE NEW GAMES EVERY FEW WEEKS, and run massive airdrops with each new release! The $867 Casino is all about community fun, and WINNING BIG!

The CORE Team is comprised of business professionals and cryptocurrency veterans with over 65 years combined experience in traditional business and over a decade of crypto trading and knowledge! With multiple business backgrounds the $867 Casino CORE team has the knowledge, experience, and budget required to launch a successful crypto casino game and token.

The mission and vision of the $867 Crypto is to merge casino style games and cryptocurrency, to revolutionize the way in which users can earn large giveaways, playing FREE casino style games! Our vision is to become the industry standard of how an online, free to play, crypto casino should run and operate. Transparency and professionalism are the top priority. Our long reaching goal is to develop a web portal that allows players to track in game payouts, game odds, and the backend workings of the $867 Casino.

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