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1SG ist eine stabile Münze, die von Mars Blockchain herausgegeben wird, um das Problem der heutigen Kryptowährung zu überwinden. Es bietet einen offenen, transparenten, effizienten und komfortablen KYC / AML-Prozess mit Charakteristikum von stabilem Wert, hoher Profitabilität und hoher Liquidität. Mars Blockchain ist ein Startup, das sich verpflichtet hat, eine führende stabile Münze auf dem Weltmarkt für Kryptowährung zu werden.
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
Akzeptierte Währungen
Registrierter Firmenname
Mars Blockchain Pte Ltd
Eingetragenes Land
Firma gegründet
Nov 29, 2018
Weitere Details

Über 1SG

Bei der vom Benutzer gehaltenen stabilen Münze handelt es sich um ein digitales Gut, das von dem Unternehmen ausgegeben wird, das stabile Münzen ausstellt. Die zentralisierte Emissionsgesellschaft hat ihr Vermögen besichert, um stabile Münzen ausgeben zu können. Jede stabile Münze entspricht dem Gegenwert der in der Bank befindlichen gesetzlichen Vermögenswerte, um sicherzustellen, dass die vom Benutzer gehaltene stabile Münze zu einem bestimmten Wechselkurs in die fiat-Währung umgetauscht werden kann. 1SG ist eine stabile Münze, die auf Basis des Singapur-Dollars (SGD) ausgegeben wurde.

1SG ist eine stabile Münze der Mars Blockchain Group, die die Probleme der heutigen Kryptowährungen überwindet und gleichzeitig einen offenen, transparenten und effizienten KYC / AML-Prozess bietet. Mit den Hauptmerkmalen stabiler Werte und hoher Liquidität ist Marsblockchain ein Startup, das sich verpflichtet hat, eine führende stabile Münze auf dem Weltmarkt für Kryptowährung zu werden.


1SG circumvents the volatility of other major cryptocurrencies by maintaining a fixed peg to $1 SGD through financial markets, providing financial/trade/personal asset management platform.

Investors can conveniently check the amount of 1SG stable coin circulating through the Ethereum blockchain and compare the audited bank balance statements issued by the reserve certificate system to ensure that there is sufficient statutory asset protection.

1SG complete the transaction basic audit work in accordance with the international standard KYC/AML, combine advantages of the blockchain technology and the traditional financial customer information system. 1SG is a more efficient, accurate and credible system using KYC process and greatly shorten the audit time.

1SG will establish a multi-level, high-traffic mobility ecosystem and the most active trading connection platform by connecting with the global mainstream cryptocurrency exchanges. User can complete various cryptocurrency exchange, fund hedging, asset storage, cross-border transactions, payment settlement through exclusive wallets.

1SG Roadmap

  • 2018 July

  • - Hong Kong headquarter established.
  • 2018 August

  • - Taiwan, Shenzhen, Singapore branch established.
  • 2018 November

  • - 1SGD stabilization coin whitepaper released.
  • 2018 December

  • - 1SGD stable coin officially issued;
    - Mars blockchain integration platform online.

1SG Mannschaft

Verifiziert 40%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Xin Xiamen
Marketing Manager
William Nguyen
Chief Blockchain Architect
Clemen Chiang
Technical Consultant
Alexey Maslov
Chief Technology Officer


$32 230 000

Reuben Choo
Chief Engineer


Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind


$32 230 000

Eugene Loza
ICO Consultant
Nicole Yee
ICO Consultant


$62 230 000

Charles Tnach
ICO Consultant


$62 230 000

Minn Thach
ICO Consultant

1SG Interviews

Xin Xiamen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I‘m the online marketing manager in Mars Blockchain. I'm in charge of online communities and social media.
What do you think about idea?
Cryptocurrency has become the hotspot in economics. Both ordinary investors and institutions have expressed keen interest in it. While the population thinks that cryptocurrency, similar to the Internet, shall bring about great impact on the society, its significant price fluctuations have posed a huge obstacle to becoming a medium of exchange and a unit of account (three key functions of a currency: unit of account, medium of exchange and a store of value). Hence, the birth of the stable coin.However, issues such as lack of transparency in legal assets backing the currency, instability in the stable coins, time-consuming and lengthy KYC as well as insufficiency liquidity, are present in the most commonly used stable coins, be it USDT, DAI or TrueUSD. Therefore, 1SG was created to be solution to the current issues in the existing stable coin market, thereby establishing a firm foundation for truly bringing digital coins into the daily lives of the people and into the commercial world. Through the centralised, fully collateralised legal asset (Singapore Dollar), the token value of 1SG is guaranteed through a 1:1 exchange rate. Through blockchain records that are tamper- proof and bank financial
reports audited by an independent third party, 100% acceptance mechanism can beachieved.
Clemen Chiang
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
As the leading top 10 ICObench expert with a fintech background, I am appointed as an Advisor to the Mars Blockchain Group.

I share my experience and vision on future of ICO and crypto market in the weekly show ICObench Top Experts at https://youtu.be/JgPyAIMTS8Y.
What do you think about idea?
I wrote a blog post "Does The Stable Coin Have A Secured Place In Cryptocurrency Right Now?" at https://blog.spiking.com/does-the-stable-coin-have-a-secure-place-in-cryptocurrency-right-now-eb71ca0e7817

1SGD is a stable coin issued by the Mars Blockchain Group which has the following benefits:
1. A clear value via a collateralized system.
2. Strong pairing with liquid assets and major currency based on the Singapore Dollar (SGD).
3. Improved securities and regulations.

1SGD's stable coin is the future for secure, collateralized trading.

1SG Letzte Nachrichten

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