Ignazio di Salvo

About Ignazio di Salvo
As a passionate music performer and coach I am currently involved in sharing my skills through several platforms. In addition to private and school teaching roles, I have also released my own album and am an active performer for Jamtrackcentral and Ibanez Guitars. I’m also involved in several projects as main performer, composer and session man. Having acquired many years of intensive study of jazz, musical arrangement and music education, I have developed a broad range of skills both technically in the music field, as well as in communicating my love of music to those around me. My award-winning performances in competitions in Italy, Romania and London have established my style and capability as an admirable standard-setter in the industry. In 2010 I founded the Modern Music Institute Milano in Milan, Italy, which I directed for the next 3 years. While overseeing the business-related aspects of the Institute, I took pride in spear-heading the didactics and educational facet of it and sharing my talent with the students. I’ve also had the opportunity to work in many different music projects, from Rock and Metal to Jazz, Funk and Blues Music. Those experiences helped me to develop an open and creative music mind that helps me to find the right synergies while I’m working as a session man and performer.
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