I help blockchain innovators create globally disrupting technologies by providing blockchain expertise and a decade of high technology project management experience. Some of my past and current positions and partners include: - Blockchain Architect and Business Systems Theorist at Proof of You - World's First Blockchain Banking Expert with the LHV Bank - Former IT Development Lead at the Estonian Ministry of Finance - Former Project Manager of Estonia's World Famous Digital Signature Application - Maker of Estonia's Mobile Payment System in EUR, based on the Bitcoin Blockchain - Former Volunteer Intelligent Business Processes Expert at 'Let's Do It World', one of the world’s biggest social movements - Computer Systems Architect for the Tallinn School System, Capital of Estonia - Founder of the Estonian Cryptocurrency Association - Blockchain Technology and Digital Currency Lobbyist for Estonia and the European Union I believe that you should have more wealth, less technical anxiety, and more time for yourself. With blockchain technology, we can give you that. That's why I spend my days developing Proof of You, a blockchain based contract management and digital signature tool that will change contracts and legal compliance forever. This is an ambitious goal, I know. But a tool that can better your lives by saving you time and stress is the biggest contribution I can make to the world. So until you feel the power of digital signatures and contract creation made easy, I will continue my work at Proof of You. The simplification and clarification of consumer technology use should be a human right, not a luxury, and I'll make that vision a reality.
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