Mike Goldin

Lead Engineer, Cryptosystems Productization Lab at ConsenSys
$ 495,068,193
Projects Raised
United States
About Mike Goldin
Mike is the lead engineer at the Cryptosystems Productization Lab at ConsenSys. The CPL has a broad mandate to productize cryptoeconomic technologies, in particular token-curated registries, across as many domains as possible. The strategic mission of the CPL is to move beyond theory and discover the limits and real properties of novel cryptosystems by observing them in production, and using that data to improve them through design and engineering. CPL engineers build adChain, Delphi, Garde, and maintain important open source codebases in the broader curation markets community. Mike is the author of “token-curated registries 1.0”, a widely-cited paper which originally formalized the basic design and properties of such cryptosystems. He launched adChain and implemented its token sale, which sold out in one block. He has overseen and facilitated the development of a widely-used TCR implementation, as well as multiple graphical user interfaces for TCRs. He graduated from Columbia University with a degree in computer science.
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