Virtual BLOCK CONFEX 2021


সম্পর্কিত Virtual BLOCK CONFEX 2021

The world is being tested now, global recession combined with the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting the global economy unlike never analysts are comparing the current situation with the Great Depression in the early 20th Century, the way we work and live our lives will be transformed entirely, work will be done remotely more so in the digital world than ever before, having said that.

Decentralization and Blockchain technology will play vital roles in shaping our future global economy, the crippled legacy financial and monetary system leave a lot of room for improvement, with many losing faith in Central Banks and Centralized monetary policies, now is the time for Decentralized Finance to shine.

Block Confex is bringing its event platform into the Digital World, with the biggest names in Blockchain in Asia, Virtual BLOCK CONFEX #VBC2021 is covering the hottest topics in Blockchain right now; from Central Bank Digital Currencies to Decentralized Finance and Automation, from Stakeholders to Influencers, #VBC2021 is your one stop Virtual Conference for all things Crypto and Blockchain in Asia.


২৫ আগস্ট, ২০২১ ৯:০০ AM
২৫ আগস্ট, ২০২১ ৬:০০ PM