Codemotion Madrid 2018 - Conference

Madrid , Spain

সম্পর্কিত Codemotion Madrid 2018 - Conference

Codemotion is a two-day event open to all languages and technologies with a focus on topics such as Frontend, Blockchain, Security, Mobile, DevOps, IoT, Cloud, Big Data, AI /Machine Learning, Design/UX, Game Dev, Inspirational, Functional Programming, Javascript, Containers, Microservices, AR/MR/VR, Diversity in Tech, FAAS/Serverless.

Codemotion Madrid is back on November 30 and December 1! Are you ready for the largest, all-inclusive tech conference for developers?

  • 2-day event open to all languages and technologies
  • 7 parallel tracks
  • National and international speakers from leading tech companies
  • Ticket includes lunch, drinks, snacks and our awesome afterparty!


John Romero
CCO and Programmer - Romero Games
Brenda Romero
CEO & Game Designer - Romero Games
José Manuel
Pérez Pérez Technical Product Owner - Spotify
Dora Militaru
Developer - Financial Times
Carlos Martín
Nieto Git Infrastructure Engineer - GitHub
Alessandro Confetti
lead technologist - ThoughtWorks
আরো দেখুন (75)
Meritxell Calvo
Software Developer - DVELP
Agnieszka Naplocha
Visual Designer & Front-end Developer - Adobe
Matteo Collina
Architect - nearForm
David Cuartielles
Co-founder Arduino
Mark Heckler
Developer Advocate - Pivotal Software, Inc.
James Thomas
Developer Advocate - IBM
José Manuel Pérez Pérez
Technical Product Owner Spotify
Martina Matarí
Incident Responder - Telefonica SA
Luca Nizzardo
Cryptography Researcher - IMDEA Software Institute
Carlos Martín Nieto
Git Infrastructure Engineer GitHub
Enrique Amodeo
Senior Full Stack Engineer - Contentful
Berta Devant
IOS crafter - Novoda
Iván López
Engineer - Object Computing, Inc
Philipp Krenn
Infrastructure, Developer Advocate Elastic
Catalina Oyaneder
Software Engineer TransferWise
Susana Morcuende
Dave Lewis
Advisory CISO - Global Duo Security
Diana Rodríguez
Regional LATAM Director Vue Vixens
Daniel Cerecedo
Yaiza Vinuela
Security Analyst ElevenPaths
Isabelle Mauny
Jerónimo López
Developer Nextail
Trent Willis
Senior UI Engineer Netflix
Jorge Barrachina
DevRel Esri España
Jorge Aguilera
Javier Velez Reyes
Archirect BBVA
José Carlos Baquero
Division Director Artificial Intelligence & BigData GMV
Pablo Chico de Guzman
Founder & CTO Okteto Inc
Alex Fernández
Senior developer Devo
Irene M Morgado
Jorge Mora Giménez
Solutions Architect Flowable
Carlos Hernández Gómez
JavaScript engineer Audiense
José Antonio Ruiz Santiago
Project Manager Coderty
Javier Lasa
Head of Product innovation Multimedia and Mobility Prisa tecnología
Ana Encinar
Full-stack developer Idealista
Juan José Montiel
senior developer & accesibility consultant Pasiona
Julio Chana
Emiliano Martinez
Engineer BBVA
Pablo Magaz
Front End Lead Cognizant
Jesus Perez
Backend Developer IBM Research
Diego Hueltes
Ingeniero Python RavenPack
Alexander Cabezas
Mobile architect Sopra Steria
Francisco Javier Barrena
Director Área Técnica I+D Instituto Tecnológico de Informática
Alfonso García-Caro Núñez
Software Developer, Freelance
Karina Guzmán
Data Viz Accenture
Antonio Bustos
Software Engineer Mercadona Tech
David Melendez
R&D Sofware Engineer Albala Ingenieros S.A.
Joan Leon
Developer Advocate Schibsted Spain
Jorge Carmona
developer y co-founder Karumi
Juan Riaza
Software Developer Idealista
Sergio Gómez
Teresa Madruga
Software Developer Kuaternio
Adolfo Sanz De Diego
Javier Revillas
Software Engineer Payvision
Omar Benbouazza
Co-Organizer RootedCON
Head of Technology, CTO Thoughtworks
María Fernández
head of UX and Product design Housell
Ignasi Barrera
Yufeng Guo
Developer Advocate Google
Horacio Gonzalez
Developer Advocate OVH
Jorge Lopez-Malla Matute
Senior Data engenieer geoblink
David García
Senior Technical Consultant Autentia
Rubén Aguilera Díaz-Heredero
Tech Coach Autentia
Chad Arimura
VP Serverless Oracle
Aldo Flores Reyes
innovation head GFI
Edurne Balmori
Manager Cognizant
Maria Gonzalez Marques
Sr. Frontend Developer Cognizant
Julio Gomez
Technologist Cisco Systems
Marta Peirano
adjunta al director
Marta Perez Garcia
UX Researcher Telefónica I+D
Emanuela Mazzone
German Viscuso
Alexa Evangelist Amazon
Martín Coedo Mestre
Watson IoT Unit Manager for Spain, Portugal, Greece and Israel IBM
Oscar Delgado
Director Académico Immune Coding Institute
Andres Pulgarin

Codemotion Madrid 2018 - Conference সাক্ষাৎকার

Javier Velez Reyes
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
Yes, I'm speaking in Codemition Madrid 2018. Particularly I talk about how to create model based service architectures.
The idea under the hood is that by abstractive the service design process by means of models recognized as recurrent canonical patterns one can create louse coupled solutions working properly over any communication protocol.
Emiliano Martinez
Could you tell us about your speech? What is your opinion about this event?
It was related to AI over Spark clusters. The event seemed well organized. Everything worked well.
Antonio Bustos
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
The topic of my speech is Simulate
LoRaWAN network with Javascript for IoT solutions

The Internet of Things (IoT) is disrupting every industry sector. And processing all the captured data can lead to new even more revolutionary opportunities. LoRaWAN communication protocol is a low power and long range technology which allows easier access to IoT solutions. I will explain the basis of Internet of Things, LoRaWAN technology and will present a few real/life usecases. Then, with open-source tools, we'll be able to simulate a device, send an uplink message to a packet-forwarder simulated gateway connected to LORIOT Network Server. I'll end with real device/gateway demo.
David Melendez
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
Project Interceptor: avoiding counter-drone systems with nanodrones.

This talk provides a new vision about drone protection against anti-drone systems, presenting "The Interceptor Project", a hand-sized nano drone based on single-core tiniest Linux Board: Vocore2.
Adolfo Sanz De Diego
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
My talk is about "How to develop decentralized applications in Etheruem's Blockchain".
María Fernández
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
Yes. Im a speaker, i do a lot of talks i like to contribute to the tech community and help to make more women to speak in Stem áreas.

I'm preparing a whole talk. The topic is: "Why my grandma uses Whatsapp but not the bank app".

IT's about designing products based in a neurological prespective understanding users emotions.
Edurne Balmori
As a speaker, can you tell us about your speech at the event?
Indeed I will be there giving a talk concerning diversity of gender. Our talk ask at the beginning a question: Where diversity starts from? And we will try during the talk to figure out why there are less women than men in stem (science, technology, engeeniering, maths). We will give numbers and reasonings. I hope you like it!


08:30 / 09:30
Doors Open

09:30 / 09:50
Opening by Codemotion

09:50 / 11:00

09:50: / 10:05
Room 6 - Three Ghosts of Serverless – A look into the Past, Present, and Yet to Come by Chad Arimura - Inspirational

10:05 / 10:20
Room 6 - Bots with AI will take your job unless you are a bot developer (for now..) by Andres Pulgarin - Inspirational

10:20 / 11:00
Room 6 - Visions of the Future Digital Education (Arduino) by David Cuartielles - Inspirational

11:10 / 11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 / 12:10
- Full-stack Reactive Java con Project Reactor y Spring Boot 2 (Microservices / Mark Heckler (Pivotal Software, Inc.)
- You want your apps to be safe ? Hack yourself! (Cybersecurity / Isabelle Mauny (42Crunch)
- Fable: a Compiler Made-in-Spain for Safe and High-Productive Web Development (Front-end /Alfonso García-Caro Núñez (Freelance)
- IOT con Arduino, súbele el cociente a tu hogar (IoT / Sergio Gómez (ThingsO2)
- Defining data pipelines workflows using Apache Airflow (Big Data /Juan Riaza (Idealista)
- Intro to Fn Project: Open Source Serverless Computing (FAAS/Serverless /Chad Arimura (Oracle)
- Trending technologies (Cloud / Aldo Flores Reyes (gfi)

12:30 / 13:10
- Backing up large amount of Git data (Cloud / Carlos Martín Nieto (GitHub)
- ¡Se me ha roto la accesibilidad! (Design/UX / Juan José Montiel (Pasiona)
- Better performance for component-based web apps (Front-end /José Manuel Pérez Pérez (Spotify)
- The fake problem with hiring juniors (Inspirational /Berta Devant (Novoda)
- Introducción a GraalVM (Languages / Jerónimo López (Nextail)
- Hacking the blockchain for fun and profit(Blockchain / Oscar Delgado (Immune Coding Institute)
- Una experiencia con microservicios en banca (Microservices / David García (Autentia), Rubén Aguilera Díaz-Heredero (Autentia)

13:10 / 14:10 Lunch

14:10 / 14:50
- Blockchain o no blockchain... esa es la cuestión (Blockchain / Yaiza Vinuela (ElevenPaths)
- Visit the Codemotion conference app!
- VR-infographic integrating VR and AR in daily newsroom production workflow (AR/MR/VR / JAVIER LASA (Prisa tecnología (Grupo Prisa))
- A Survival Guide to Microservices using GraphQL and Contract Tests (Microservices / Enrique Amodeo (Contentful)
- ¿Qué es Flutter y por qué debería probarlo? (Mobile / Horacio Gonzalez (OVH)
- Visit our Gamedev & VR showcase
- Serving coffee at scale: handling thousands of requests per second with... (Cloud / Javier Revillas (Payvision)

15:10 / 15:50
- ECMAScript 2018 y más allá (Languages / Pablo Magaz (Cognizant)
- JS the unknown (Javascript / Carlos Hernández Gómez (Audiense)
- The Good Place (o tal vez no) (Inspirational / Irene M Morgado (SPOTAHOME)
- Do you need a Service Mesh? (Cloud / Ignasi Barrera (The Apache Software Foundation)
- From Legacy to the Cloud and Beyond (Microservices / Daniel Cerecedo (Byteflair)
- Extendiendo Kubernetes: diseño de un operador (DevOps / Julio Chana (Spotahome)
- Visit our communities area!

15:50 / 16:10 Coffee Break

16:10 / 16:50
- Front performance (Front-end / Ana Encinar (Idealista)
- How to avoid a Web 3.0 babele: transclusions and folksonomies in a content-addressed... (Blockchain / Alessandro Confetti (ThoughtWorks)
- Where are the women? (Diversity in Tech / Dora Militaru (Financial Times)
- Simulate LoRaWAN network with Javascript for IoT solutions (IoT / Antonio Bustos (Mercadona Tech)
- Visit our Gamedev and VR showcase
- Drones como amenaza a infraestructuras críticas. El "Proyecto... (Cybersecurity / David Melendez (Albala Ingenieros S.A.)Take a break
- Take a break

17:10 / 17:50
- Jaén es el nuevo Wall Street: Prediciendo el precio del Aceite de Oliva con Deep Learning (AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning / Diego Hueltes (RavenPack)
- Cómo desarrollar aplicaciones descentralizadas en la Blockchain de Etheruem (Blockchain / Adolfo Sanz De Diego (Hackathon Lovers)
- Make Your Data FABulous (Big Data / Philipp Krenn (Elastic)
- A cowgirl journey (Inspirational / Meritxell Calvo (DVELP)
- ¿Por qué mi abuela sabe usar WhatsApp y no la aplicación del banco? (Design/UX / María Fernández (Housell)Visit our Game Dev & VR Showcase!Join the conversation in the relax area!
- Visit our Game Dev & VR Showcase
- Join the conversation in the relax area

17:50 / 18:30 Networking Beer

18:30 / 19:30
- Mesa abierta: Quo Vadis JavaScriptum? (Languages / Alex Fernández (Devo)
- Introducción a Docker y Kubernetes(DevOps/ Pablo Chico de Guzman (Okteto Inc)
- Todo lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre Ladies that UX y nunca te... (Design/UX / Emanuela Mazzone (Ladies that UX Madrid)

08:30 / 09:30
Doors Open

09:30 / 09:50
Opening by Codemotion

09:50 / 11:00

09:50 / 10:05
Room 6 - IoT and Blockchain frontier even further by Martín Coedo Mestre (IBM) - Inspirational

10:05 / 10:20
Room 6 - Speak up! Reshaping the future of technology using the voice (Amazon Alexa) by German Viscuso - Inspirational

10:20 / 11:00
Room 6 - The Early Days of Id Software: Programming Principles by John Romero - Game Dev

11:00 / 11:30
Coffee Break

11:30 / 12:10
- Automatiza ideas locas mezclando nodejs , bash y otros comandos (DevOps / Jorge Barrachina (Esri España)
- Take your HTTP server to Ludicrous Speed (Javascript / Matteo Collina (nearForm)
- Beyond Ada: The View From Here (Diversity in TechBrenda / Romero (Romero Games)
- Zero Trust & The Flaming Sword of Justice (Cybersecurity / Dave Lewis (Duo Security)
- Microservicios reactivos con Micronaut (Microservices /  Iván López (Object Computing, Inc.)
- Visit our Gamedev and VR showcase

12:30 / 13:10
- Inteligencia Artificial y Discriminación: Cómo conseguir algoritmos más igualitarios y justos (AI/Machine / - - - - - Learning/Deep Learning / José Carlos Baquero (GMV)
- Fun With Service Workers (Front-end / Trent Willis (Netflix)
- Cómo construir una empresa más humana (Inspirational / Susana Morcuende (Freelance), Jorge Barrachina (Esri España)
- Bug Bounty Program, does it help? (Cybersecurity / Omar Benbouazza (RootedCON)
- How to generate high quality ideas to deliver business impact (Design/UX / Marta Perez Garcia (Telefónica I+D)
- FONK - A Serverless Stack for Kubernetes (FAAS/Serverless / Julio Gomez (Cisco Systems)

13:10 / 14:10

14:10 / 14:50
- Pwned City: Ciudad sin Ley (Cybersecurity / Martina Matarí (Telefonica SA)
- Houdini, programando en CSS (Front-end  / Joan Leon (Schibsted Spain)
- ¿Quién ha visto tu código? (Inspirational / Alex Fernández (Devo)
- Tu API ha muerto, larga vida a tu Domain Specific Language (Languages / Jorge Aguilera (Puravida Software)
- Continuous Delivery for IoT (IoT / Maria Gomez (Thoughtworks)
- Quantum algorithms for friends (Javascript / Jesús Pérez (IBM Research)
- Deep learning en Spark. (AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning / Emiliano Martinez (BBVA)

15:10 / 15:50
- Hackea la realidad - Vídeos virales con ARAR/MR/VR (Teresa Madruga (Kuaternio)
- Bitcoin y más allá: Cómo extender las funcionalidades de Bitcoin usando Criptografía (Blockchain / Luca Nizzardo (IMDEA Software Institute)
- Coding the 7 steps of machine learning (AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning / Yufeng Guo (Google)
- Hipster Workflows / Como hacer que tus procesos de negocio encajen en arquitecturas...Cloud (Jorge / Mora - Giménez (Flowable)
- Ultimate Stack Compilation - Elegimos las herramientas y al final sale bien (Javascript / Catalina Oyaneder (TransferWise)
- Kotlin pro-tips (Languages / Jorge Carmona (gokarumi)
- Cloud Native Development (DevOpsPablo / Chico de Guzmán (Okteto Inc)

15:50 / 16:10
Coffee Break

16:10 / 16:50
- Modelos de APIs para el Diseño de Servicios (Microservices / Javier Reyes (BBVA)
- Geoposicionamiento Big Data o It's bigger on the inside (Big Data / Jorge Lopez-Malla Matute (geoblink)
- NestJS: Backends para javeros y punto-neteros con Typescript (Languages / Francisco Javier Barrena (Instituto Tecnológico de Informática)
- Modern processes and workflows orchestration in the current business scene. (DevOps / José Antonio Ruiz Santiago (Coderty)
- Desarrolla tu aplicación android con kotlin y VIPER! (MobileAlexander / Cabezas (Sopra steria)
- ¿Dónde empieza la diversidad? (Diversity in Tech / Edurne Balmori (Cognizant), MARIA GONZALEZ MARQUES (Cognizant)

17:10 / 17:50
Closing Keynote

17:10: / 17:50
Room 6 - Can't you stop looking at your phone? by Marta Peirano - DevOps

17:50 / 18:30
Closing by Codemotion


৩০ নভে, ২০১৮, ৮:৩০ AM , CET (UTC +1)
১ ডিসে, ২০১৮, ৬:৩০ PM , CET (UTC +1)
EUR 30–120