Codemotion is a two-day event open to all languages and technologies with a focus on topics such as Frontend, Blockchain, Security, Mobile, DevOps, IoT, Cloud, Big Data, AI /Machine Learning, Design/UX, Game Dev, Inspirational, Functional Programming, Javascript, Containers, Microservices, AR/MR/VR, Diversity in Tech, FAAS/Serverless.
Codemotion Madrid is back on November 30 and December 1! Are you ready for the largest, all-inclusive tech conference for developers?
08:30 / 09:30
Doors Open
09:30 / 09:50
Opening by Codemotion
09:50 / 11:00
09:50: / 10:05
Room 6 - Three Ghosts of Serverless – A look into the Past, Present, and Yet to Come by Chad Arimura - Inspirational
10:05 / 10:20
Room 6 - Bots with AI will take your job unless you are a bot developer (for now..) by Andres Pulgarin - Inspirational
10:20 / 11:00
Room 6 - Visions of the Future Digital Education (Arduino) by David Cuartielles - Inspirational
11:10 / 11:30 Coffee Break
11:30 / 12:10
- Full-stack Reactive Java con Project Reactor y Spring Boot 2 (Microservices / Mark Heckler (Pivotal Software, Inc.)
- You want your apps to be safe ? Hack yourself! (Cybersecurity / Isabelle Mauny (42Crunch)
- Fable: a Compiler Made-in-Spain for Safe and High-Productive Web Development (Front-end /Alfonso García-Caro Núñez (Freelance)
- IOT con Arduino, súbele el cociente a tu hogar (IoT / Sergio Gómez (ThingsO2)
- Defining data pipelines workflows using Apache Airflow (Big Data /Juan Riaza (Idealista)
- Intro to Fn Project: Open Source Serverless Computing (FAAS/Serverless /Chad Arimura (Oracle)
- Trending technologies (Cloud / Aldo Flores Reyes (gfi)
12:30 / 13:10
- Backing up large amount of Git data (Cloud / Carlos Martín Nieto (GitHub)
- ¡Se me ha roto la accesibilidad! (Design/UX / Juan José Montiel (Pasiona)
- Better performance for component-based web apps (Front-end /José Manuel Pérez Pérez (Spotify)
- The fake problem with hiring juniors (Inspirational /Berta Devant (Novoda)
- Introducción a GraalVM (Languages / Jerónimo López (Nextail)
- Hacking the blockchain for fun and profit(Blockchain / Oscar Delgado (Immune Coding Institute)
- Una experiencia con microservicios en banca (Microservices / David García (Autentia), Rubén Aguilera Díaz-Heredero (Autentia)
13:10 / 14:10 Lunch
14:10 / 14:50
- Blockchain o no blockchain... esa es la cuestión (Blockchain / Yaiza Vinuela (ElevenPaths)
- Visit the Codemotion conference app!
- VR-infographic integrating VR and AR in daily newsroom production workflow (AR/MR/VR / JAVIER LASA (Prisa tecnología (Grupo Prisa))
- A Survival Guide to Microservices using GraphQL and Contract Tests (Microservices / Enrique Amodeo (Contentful)
- ¿Qué es Flutter y por qué debería probarlo? (Mobile / Horacio Gonzalez (OVH)
- Visit our Gamedev & VR showcase
- Serving coffee at scale: handling thousands of requests per second with... (Cloud / Javier Revillas (Payvision)
15:10 / 15:50
- ECMAScript 2018 y más allá (Languages / Pablo Magaz (Cognizant)
- JS the unknown (Javascript / Carlos Hernández Gómez (Audiense)
- The Good Place (o tal vez no) (Inspirational / Irene M Morgado (SPOTAHOME)
- Do you need a Service Mesh? (Cloud / Ignasi Barrera (The Apache Software Foundation)
- From Legacy to the Cloud and Beyond (Microservices / Daniel Cerecedo (Byteflair)
- Extendiendo Kubernetes: diseño de un operador (DevOps / Julio Chana (Spotahome)
- Visit our communities area!
15:50 / 16:10 Coffee Break
16:10 / 16:50
- Front performance (Front-end / Ana Encinar (Idealista)
- How to avoid a Web 3.0 babele: transclusions and folksonomies in a content-addressed... (Blockchain / Alessandro Confetti (ThoughtWorks)
- Where are the women? (Diversity in Tech / Dora Militaru (Financial Times)
- Simulate LoRaWAN network with Javascript for IoT solutions (IoT / Antonio Bustos (Mercadona Tech)
- Visit our Gamedev and VR showcase
- Drones como amenaza a infraestructuras críticas. El "Proyecto... (Cybersecurity / David Melendez (Albala Ingenieros S.A.)Take a break
- Take a break
17:10 / 17:50
- Jaén es el nuevo Wall Street: Prediciendo el precio del Aceite de Oliva con Deep Learning (AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning / Diego Hueltes (RavenPack)
- Cómo desarrollar aplicaciones descentralizadas en la Blockchain de Etheruem (Blockchain / Adolfo Sanz De Diego (Hackathon Lovers)
- Make Your Data FABulous (Big Data / Philipp Krenn (Elastic)
- A cowgirl journey (Inspirational / Meritxell Calvo (DVELP)
- ¿Por qué mi abuela sabe usar WhatsApp y no la aplicación del banco? (Design/UX / María Fernández (Housell)Visit our Game Dev & VR Showcase!Join the conversation in the relax area!
- Visit our Game Dev & VR Showcase
- Join the conversation in the relax area
17:50 / 18:30 Networking Beer
18:30 / 19:30
- Mesa abierta: Quo Vadis JavaScriptum? (Languages / Alex Fernández (Devo)
- Introducción a Docker y Kubernetes(DevOps/ Pablo Chico de Guzman (Okteto Inc)
- Todo lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre Ladies that UX y nunca te... (Design/UX / Emanuela Mazzone (Ladies that UX Madrid)
08:30 / 09:30
Doors Open
09:30 / 09:50
Opening by Codemotion
09:50 / 11:00
09:50 / 10:05
Room 6 - IoT and Blockchain frontier even further by Martín Coedo Mestre (IBM) - Inspirational
10:05 / 10:20
Room 6 - Speak up! Reshaping the future of technology using the voice (Amazon Alexa) by German Viscuso - Inspirational
10:20 / 11:00
Room 6 - The Early Days of Id Software: Programming Principles by John Romero - Game Dev
11:00 / 11:30
Coffee Break
11:30 / 12:10
- Automatiza ideas locas mezclando nodejs , bash y otros comandos (DevOps / Jorge Barrachina (Esri España)
- Take your HTTP server to Ludicrous Speed (Javascript / Matteo Collina (nearForm)
- Beyond Ada: The View From Here (Diversity in TechBrenda / Romero (Romero Games)
- Zero Trust & The Flaming Sword of Justice (Cybersecurity / Dave Lewis (Duo Security)
- Microservicios reactivos con Micronaut (Microservices / Iván López (Object Computing, Inc.)
- Visit our Gamedev and VR showcase
12:30 / 13:10
- Inteligencia Artificial y Discriminación: Cómo conseguir algoritmos más igualitarios y justos (AI/Machine / - - - - - Learning/Deep Learning / José Carlos Baquero (GMV)
- Fun With Service Workers (Front-end / Trent Willis (Netflix)
- Cómo construir una empresa más humana (Inspirational / Susana Morcuende (Freelance), Jorge Barrachina (Esri España)
- Bug Bounty Program, does it help? (Cybersecurity / Omar Benbouazza (RootedCON)
- How to generate high quality ideas to deliver business impact (Design/UX / Marta Perez Garcia (Telefónica I+D)
- FONK - A Serverless Stack for Kubernetes (FAAS/Serverless / Julio Gomez (Cisco Systems)
13:10 / 14:10
14:10 / 14:50
- Pwned City: Ciudad sin Ley (Cybersecurity / Martina Matarí (Telefonica SA)
- Houdini, programando en CSS (Front-end / Joan Leon (Schibsted Spain)
- ¿Quién ha visto tu código? (Inspirational / Alex Fernández (Devo)
- Tu API ha muerto, larga vida a tu Domain Specific Language (Languages / Jorge Aguilera (Puravida Software)
- Continuous Delivery for IoT (IoT / Maria Gomez (Thoughtworks)
- Quantum algorithms for friends (Javascript / Jesús Pérez (IBM Research)
- Deep learning en Spark. (AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning / Emiliano Martinez (BBVA)
15:10 / 15:50
- Hackea la realidad - Vídeos virales con ARAR/MR/VR (Teresa Madruga (Kuaternio)
- Bitcoin y más allá: Cómo extender las funcionalidades de Bitcoin usando Criptografía (Blockchain / Luca Nizzardo (IMDEA Software Institute)
- Coding the 7 steps of machine learning (AI/Machine Learning/Deep Learning / Yufeng Guo (Google)
- Hipster Workflows / Como hacer que tus procesos de negocio encajen en arquitecturas...Cloud (Jorge / Mora - Giménez (Flowable)
- Ultimate Stack Compilation - Elegimos las herramientas y al final sale bien (Javascript / Catalina Oyaneder (TransferWise)
- Kotlin pro-tips (Languages / Jorge Carmona (gokarumi)
- Cloud Native Development (DevOpsPablo / Chico de Guzmán (Okteto Inc)
15:50 / 16:10
Coffee Break
16:10 / 16:50
- Modelos de APIs para el Diseño de Servicios (Microservices / Javier Reyes (BBVA)
- Geoposicionamiento Big Data o It's bigger on the inside (Big Data / Jorge Lopez-Malla Matute (geoblink)
- NestJS: Backends para javeros y punto-neteros con Typescript (Languages / Francisco Javier Barrena (Instituto Tecnológico de Informática)
- Modern processes and workflows orchestration in the current business scene. (DevOps / José Antonio Ruiz Santiago (Coderty)
- Desarrolla tu aplicación android con kotlin y VIPER! (MobileAlexander / Cabezas (Sopra steria)
- ¿Dónde empieza la diversidad? (Diversity in Tech / Edurne Balmori (Cognizant), MARIA GONZALEZ MARQUES (Cognizant)
17:10 / 17:50
Closing Keynote
17:10: / 17:50
Room 6 - Can't you stop looking at your phone? by Marta Peirano - DevOps
17:50 / 18:30
Closing by Codemotion