Berkeley , United States

সম্পর্কিত CESC

Public, permissionless blockchains are dependent for their security and reliability on their economic incentives and mechanism design. Some private, permissioned ones may be as well.

This conference will explore the economic security aspects of blockchain protocols, including game theory, incentive design, mechanism design and market design along with other topics related to crypto-economics security, and to foster collaborations among researchers and practitioners working on these topics.

CESC is hosted by Dekrypt Capital, Blockchain at Berkeley, and Noris.


Joseph Abadi
PhD Candidate in Economics, Princeton University
Aditya Asgaonkar
Joseph Bonneau
Assistant Professor, NYU
Vitalik Buterin
Creator of Ethereum
Christian Catalini
Head Economist Calibra
Rei Chiang
Co-Founder & CTO Gauntlet
আরো দেখুন (38)
Alessandro Chiesa
Assistant Professor, UC Berkeley, StarkWare ZCASH
John P. Conley
Professor of Economics Vanderbilt University
Marco Di Maggio
Core Researcher Terra
Dr. Mo Dong
Maxwell C. and Mary Pellish Chair in Economics, UC Santa Barbara
Dan Guido
Co-Founder & CEO Trail of Bits
Deeksha Gupta
Alexander Hermann
Mechanism Designer Gnosis GmbH
Alexander Hicks
PhD Student, University College London
Richard Holden
Professor of Economics UNSW Business School
Stephanie Hurder
Founding Economist Prysm Group
Aram Jivanyan
Cryptographer Firo
Dimitris Karakostas
PhD Student, University of Edinburgh and IOHK
Dimitris Kolonelos
PhD Student, IMDEA Software Institute
Georgios Konstantopoulos
Independent Consultant & Researcher
Hart Lambur
Founder UMA
Sami Mäkelä
Core Developer Truebit
Silvio Micali
Professor, MIT
Andreea Minca
Associate Professor Cornell University
Pratyush Mishra
PhD Student, UC Berkeley
Guido Molinari
Managing Director Prysm Group
Tal Moran
Chief Scientist, Spacemesh, Northeastern University, IDC Herzliya
Oded Naor
Recent Graduate Student, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Jude Nelson
Engineering Partner Blockstack
Christine Parlour
Professor | Sylvan C. Coleman Chair in Finance and Accounting | Distinguished Teaching Fellow, Berkeley Haas
Rafael Pass
Professor Cornell Tech
Dan Robinson
Research Partner Paradym Global ltd
Fahad Saleh
Assistant Professor, Finance McGill University
Sergi Delgado Segura
CSO & Co-Founder PISA Research
István András Seres
PhD Student, Eötvös Loránd University, KZen-Research
Dawn Song
CEO & Founder Oasis Labs
Steve Tadelis
Professor of Economics | Sarin Chair in Leadership and Strategy Berkeley Haas
Jason Teutsch
Founder Truebit
Lun Wang
PhD Student, UC Berkeley
MacLane Wilkison
Co-Founder & CEO NuCypher
Jiaheng Zhang
PhD Student, UC Berkeley
Vassilis Zikas
Professor, University of Edinburgh, UC Berkeley, and IOHK
২৮ অক্টো, ২০১৯, ১০:০০ AM , PST (UTC -8)
২৯ অক্টো, ২০১৯, ১০:০০ PM , PST (UTC -8)
$ 100–299
UC Berkeley campus