A Developer Primer on Blockchain

Oslo , Norway

সম্পর্কিত A Developer Primer on Blockchain

More and more big players are moving into the blockchain space. You can now rent your own enterprise blockchain with IBM, Microsoft and now Oracle has built a service that allows developers to focus on solving the business problem rather than the underlying complexities of the technology.
Come find out how you can build a peer-to-peer distributed ledger forged by consensus. Understand through code how to create “smart contracts” and develop a different type of transactional application that establishes trust, accountability and transparency, while streamlining business processes and legal constraints.
Martin Beeby is flying from GB to give a talk on how you can build applications on top of blockchain and to show you how you can take an idea and convert that into a real application that provides real value for your business.
Together we will look at how developers are using blockchain in the real world and demystify some of the technical concepts so that we can start to discover how we can use this technology in our organisations.
You will learn how to build an application using smart contracts on top of Hyperledger and see how these techniques can solve different types of problem.
While building application on blockchain is relatively straightforward the initial set up of a network, scaling it and managing the security is complicated.
Oracle has built a service that allows developers to focus on solving the business problem rather than the underlying complexities of the technology. We will explore this platform and see how it can help speed up and simplify development of applications. Helping you extract value faster.
* Oracle sponsors the event with free food *


১৯ মার্চ, ২০১৮ ৭:০০ PM , CET (UTC +1)
১৯ মার্চ, ২০১৮ ৯:০০ PM , CET (UTC +1)