Tzedek Law LLC

Tzedek Law LLC

Effective Legal Solutions

সম্পর্কিত Tzedek Law LLC

The firm's name embodies the meaning of “justice” and “righteousness”, and we strive to achieve this in all our dealings. Our goal is to deliver top qualify professional legal services to each of our clients.

The firm is set up to be a boutique international corporate law firm in Singapore. The directors have developed an impressive resume advising clients in the areas of corporate law, banking and finance, and financial services. In particular, the firm is active in the area of blockchain advisory and initial coin offering work.

Due to the nature of the firm's work, it has close working relationships with law firms and partners from all over the world. We treasure each relationship; and in order to provide quality service we maintain direct lines of communication between clients and the Director in charge of that matter.


Guo Zhanzhi Clarence
Lionel Yun Weijie