

TokenMagic is your reliable and expert technology partner for blockchain based decentralized software solutions. We offer a custom tailored service based on your specific project needs. Our experts will advise you throughout development on critical decisions related to blockchain platform selection and technology stacks.

সম্পর্কিত Token

Token Media Group is an international boutique marketing & communications firm. By combining extensive expertise and connections with state-of-the-art marketing/pr/communications strategies and tactics we make deliver highly successful campaigns. This is true across all blockchain-related services, projects and markets, as well as across all relevant marketing and communications channels. That way you can focus on what you do best, and we focus on what we do best. This combination creates win-win situations and the success you want. We don't accept every client: no scams, no illegal activities, no projects without value-add, no difficult clients that can't see the big picture, no projects that haven't done their homework - ever. Just send us a brief explanation about your project and goals, and we'll get back to you in no time. You can rest assured that you will (over-)achieve your goals if you get accepted. We'll then partner you up with our top-notch team that customizes a strategy for your specific needs and gets to work right away.




Bill Kline
Co-Founder & CEO
Wayan Garvey
Co-Founder & President
Karthikeyan Ponniah
Head of Blockchain Development
Paimpozhil Bernatsha
Chief Technology Officer
Tyler Morris
Chief Financial Officer
Philipp Von Holtzend...
Partner & Chief Marketing Officer
Eram S
Customer Relations
Chuck Williams
Head of Product Development
Brian Haynes
Head of Sales