The British Blockchain Association

The British Blockchain Association

The World’s First ‘Scholars in Blockchain” International Scientific Conference (#ISC2019) on 12 March 2019 will bring the world's most innovative scholars, thought-leaders and trail blazers in the Blockchain space to educate, inform, excite and inspire attendees.

সম্পর্কিত The British Blockchain Association

The British Blockchain Association (BBA) is the most powerful voice in the UK blockchain industry. It is a not-for-profit, membership funded, organisation that promotes the comprehensive adoption of Blockchain technology and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) across the public and private sectors in the United Kingdom and globally.


The BBA is an advocate for both industry and education. It is the leading UK association for blockchain and DLT technologies. It is also home to the Journal of British Blockchain Association (JBBA), Europe’s first peer reviewed research journal on Blockchain and DLT ecosystems. The BBA Student Forum is the Student wing of the BBA and is responsible for the voice of Blockchain within Academia.​

The BBA promotes the interests of its members through common interest groups and the BBA Advisory Board strives to make the UK the leading nation in adoption of Blockchain/DLT to bring tangible, real world impact with economic sustainability.

Our founding members and advisors are internationally recognised thought-leaders and cutting edge organisations drawn from the worlds intersecting the Blockchain/DLT ecosystem. The BBA connects policymakers, blockchain engineers, venture capitalists and visionaries to advance the understanding, acceptance and application of blockchain/DLT technologies.


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Maxwell Stanley
Dr. Naseem Naqvi

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