Power Learn Project

Power Learn Project

We train, provide knowledge and opportunities for smart technology jobs for the underserved youth across Africa.

সম্পর্কিত Power Learn Project

The Power Learn Project (PLP) embarked on an ambitious journey in 2021, when a dedicated team formulated the vision of creating an organization committed to making tech training both affordable and accessible for the youth across Africa. This vision materialized in April 2022 with the launch of PLP at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. The inauguration was marked by the enrollment of 1,000 learners into PLP's inaugural Software Development Scholarship Program.

Building on the success in Kenya, PLP expanded its reach by launching similar initiatives in South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, and Nigeria. This expansion was driven by the goal to provide more African youth with access to fully funded software development scholarships. By the end of 2022, the first cohort of 1,000 learners celebrated their graduation in a grand ceremony dubbed the 'The Power Tech Festival' held at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) in Nairobi, Kenya.

The momentum continued into 2023, with the onboarding of the second and third cohorts comprising learners from the five African countries. The year concluded with a significant milestone as approximately 5,000 graduates were honored in December at PLP's headquarters in Spring Valley, Lower Kabete. Furthermore, 2023 was a year of accolades for PLP; the organization received the prestigious Zuri Award in the STEM category and garnered recognition from President William Ruto of Kenya. The President awarded PLP the YES Founder's Award, which was proudly received by our Executive Director, Mumbi Ndung'u.

In 2024, PLP has continued to scale new heights. The organization welcomed its fourth cohort, consisting of 6,800 learners, following an overwhelming response with applications pouring in from 53 countries worldwide. This growth not only underscores PLP's expanding global influence but also highlights its enduring commitment to empowering African youth with critical skills for the digital era.