National agency of perspective projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan

National agency of perspective projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan

সম্পর্কিত National agency of perspective projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The National agency of perspective projects of the Republic of Uzbekistan (hereinafter – the Agency, NAPP) is a state institution responsible for regulation, licensing, and permitting procedures in the sphere of crypto-assets turnover, capital market, insurance, e-commerce, lotteries and gambling activities.

NAPP's mission is to create a market that meets global standards and provides investor protection in order to ensure the attraction of additional capital and investments into the country's economy and create conditions for the growth of citizens' welfare.

We co-operate with local and foreign industry experts, actively improving our approach to work, principles and rules so that they meet the rapidly changing conditions of the global economic and financial environment.

The Agency is an advocate of direct and open dialogue with citizens, investors, market participants, elimination of bureaucratic obstacles, prompt response to emerging problems in the industries.

The Agency is a state institution with the right of legal entity and in its activities is accountable to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.