

Berlin’s entire public transport and sharing services in just one app. Register once to use all: bus, train, e-moped, e-scooter, bike, car and taxi.

সম্পর্কিত Jelbi

One app that meets all your mobility needs.

Jelbi is the mobility app that can do it all, offering access to all services available in Berlin, from journey planning to booking and payment.

Based on real-time traffic information, the journey planner shows you all the available ways to get to your destination and compares them clearly by duration and price, so that you can book just what you need for the occasion, weather conditions, price, or simply your mood.

Take advantage of low-cost bus or train ride, feel the wind in your hair on an e-moped or bike, enjoy the comfort of a taxi, the flexibility of a car, or make use of the space available in a van for your home move.

After signing up, saving your payment information, and verifying your driving licence and ID card, you can book and pay for any service directly in the app with just a few clicks.

No more switching between apps, no need for multiple apps on your smartphone – Jelbi is the only thing you need to get around Berlin.