We provide an easy way for enterprises to add data integrity and trust to existing processes using the power of blockchain. Harmony Integrate supplies a REST API to chronologically link enterprise data, documents, and transactions on the Factom blockchain for immutable record systems. It enables enterprise businesses to build data integrity and trust capabilities into existing apps to support compliance, auditing, and collaboration initiatives.
Factom Harmony harnesses the power of the Factom blockchain, combined with SmartProvenance™ to ensure the validity, integrity, history and ownership of documents, data, files and database information. Factom’s unique model of developing individual data chains mirror existing record keeping models. This ensures compliance with all governmental and industry regulations.
No need to join a blockchain consortium – Harmony integrates directly with your existing systems, allowing you to see the immediate benefits of blockchain technology.
As increasingly more items are enabled with IoT connectivity, it is critically important to secure and safeguard IoT data. Creating identity logs on the Factom blockchain provides data assurance, including: protection from spoofing, elimination of traditional repeater attacks, and confirmation of data integrity.
These identity logs capture the identification of a device, who manufactured it, lists of available updates, known security issues and granted authorities while adding time-stamping for added security.
In developing nations, treating diseases in tumultuous environments creates significant problems for patients. Systems are unreliable, leaving patients with little recorded medical history. Recording a patient’s medical information on a blockchain ensures complete third party accuracy where governmental systems and records are often not trusted or not correct.
Creating a medical identity around an individual and securing it with the Factom blockchain solves the trust and accuracy problems in an affordable, practical way that provides unique benefits for the developing world.