ED3N Ventures

ED3N Ventures

We build and invest in projects around GameFi, DeFi, the metaverse, and other transformative web3 opportunities.

সম্পর্কিত ED3N Ventures

ED3N Ventures is a venture studio that has launched successful web3 startups in GameFi, DeFi, and the open metaverse. The ED3N team is dedicated to building web3 projects that matter and ensuring the success of these startups by providing expertise, funding, access to ED3N's network, and other resources. Our goal is to create impact through our projects and people to shape an inclusive and progressive future in the metaverse. Our core projects include: • Yield Guild Games (YGG): a global play-to-earn gaming community with presence in over 20 countries via its subDAOs • BreederDAO: the largest play-to-earn digital asset provider in the world • XLD Finance: a stablecoin-based ecosystem driving financial inclusion through real-world financial services • Liquid Meta: the first publicly listed institutional liquidity provider for DeFi in the world • Proof of Learn: the leading educational platform of the metaverse We built and grew these projects over the past year, and this 2022 we are looking to build even more. If you are driven, passionate about the space, and interested in building web3 projects with us, we would love to work with you.