

Get started with blockchain payments. Accept Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, store and spend them securely, or turn Bitcoin into dollars with the BitPay Card.

সম্পর্কিত BitPay

We started BitPay because we wanted to make it easy for businesses to accept bitcoin payments. We are currently the largest bitcoin payment processor in the world, serving industry-leading merchants on six continents. We've created a seamless, secure bitcoin payment experience used daily by hundreds of thousands of bitcoin users. Payment processing was our first contribution to the Bitcoin ecosystem, but it is not our last. With Bitcore, we're building an open source platform to power the next applications of Bitcoin. The BitPay secure bitcoin walletis giving consumers a powerful toolkit for getting started right with bitcoin payments, and the BitPay Card gives bitcoin users a fast way to convert bitcoin into dollars and spend their funds anywhere Visa® is accepted. Bitcoin's future looks very bright, and we plan on remaining on the forefront of this technology, creating more tools and services for everyone to use in innovative Credit cards take up to 3% in processing fees on every transaction. Accept Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash with BitPay and get direct bank deposits in your own currency for a simple, flat 1% settlement charge.Connect to truly borderless payment networks with Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash. Receive payment in any amount, from anywhere in the world, from any computer or mobile device.Other payment methods force customers and businesses to shoulder the risks and costs of payment fraud. With Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash, customers can pay without handing over sensitive personal information, and refunds are made through the merchant — no chargebacks.BitPay allows you to accept payments in Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash and receive funds directly to your bank account. Bank deposits in 38 countries, settled in US Dollars, Euros, GBP, and more.


17 144
16 564
265 719
11 929


Jason Dreyzehner
Stephen Pair
Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer
Bryan Krohn
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Financial Offi...
Chief Commercial Officer
Timo Dijkstra
Chief Compliance Officer
Jim Aviles
Arthur Levitt
Tony Gallippi

ঘটনা অংশগ্রহণ

  • Rosario Nte 660, Las Condes, Región Metr...
  • EBIC 2019
  • Taborstraße 10, 1020 Wien, Austria