Metacade (MCADE) could increase by over 100% in presale while tokens like MANA are still struggling

Metacade (MCADE) could increase by over 100% in presale while tokens like MANA are still struggling

Not every metaverse currency is created equally. We can see that very clearly when we look at the different trajectories of MANA’s ever-falling price and the spectacular presale success of MCADE. Both these coins are based on metaverse gaming, so why is one rocketing and the other plummeting? There are a number of factors we need to take into account to understand what exactly is going on here and exactly where you should be looking for big gains.

The full story on Metacade

The hottest new name in the metaverse right now is Metacade. Created as a gaming hub packed with retro arcade games, this is going to be a place where gamers can meet and bring together game developers and entrepreneurs. So the basics are looking good already and this sets it apart from the other metaverse platforms that haven’t managed to get the balance right to attract a steady stream of visitors and users.

Taking a look at the Metacade white paper tells us that the Metacade platform has a play-to-earn virtual arcade at the heart of it. This is set up to be a vibrant community where contests, leaderboards, reviews, and real-time interactions all add to the appeal.

MANA and how it works

This coin is the native currency of the Decentraland platform. Opened to the public in 2020, it was one of the first large-scale metaverse projects and attracted a lot of attention. In particular, it got a huge bump in recognition when pieces of virtual land began to change hands for huge sums of money and some celebrities entered the site. All of this helped push up the MANA price in the early days.

The coin has been falling sharply for almost a year now. One of the key reasons for this appears to be the fact that it’s struggled to attract and retain enough users to create a vibrant community feel. Some point out the lack of variety in the gameplay as a reason, but no matter what the reason, MANA is losing value.

What is MCADE all about?

Just as MANA is the native currency in Decentraland, MCADE is the coin used in the Metacade universe. Even those gamers who are mostly just looking for a place to chill out and play some fun games can earn more tokens simply by competing in arcade tournaments and entering the regular prize draws. MCADE is set to be a powerful part of the Web3 economy and it’s the starting point for enjoying everything Metacade has to offer gamers.

MCADE is also used to decide the future of Metacade itself with holders being about to vote on the direction of the project and which games will be developed. Someone more focused on MCADE as an investment can choose to stake their tokens for rewards as well. This makes the coin not only valuable as a currency but also something integrated into the fabric of the gaming community.

All of this means that it’s a self-supported economy where money enters the ecosystem constantly through activities, such as advertising and then flows back to the users.

MCADE and MANA: What are the key differences?

With both these coins being the native currencies of metaverse gaming platforms, it’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that they’re both exactly the same. It’s important not to miss the forest for the trees though. The crucial differences between each platform will determine the success of the MCADE token while the price of MANA continues to fall.

While MANA is used to pay for goods and services in Decentraland, the MCADE token is a more versatile and wide-ranging currency that will help users to increase their holdings in terms of staking returns. Users can also take part in the platform’s big decisions, as each MCADE comes with voting rights.

These differences are already evident in the way that the MCADE presale of 1.4 billion coins has been a massive hit, even as the MANA price has continued to drop week after week. Investors have clearly worked out that the Metacade model is better designed for lasting value.

What makes Metacade such a powerful option?

This project is the first to bring a fully balanced approach to the areas of the metaverse, arcade gaming, and cryptocurrency investing. Rather than being focused on one main area with the other parts tacked on as an afterthought, Metacade is a project that brings out the best of all these areas.

This is best seen when looking at the tokenomics models, as seen in the Metacade white paper. The different ways of generating revenue allow it to be a self-sustaining economy where income comes in from streams, such as pay-to-play gaming and advertising, before being distributed among token-holders in the form of rewards.

Metacade (MCADE) vs Decentraland (MANA): Which investment is wiser?

The MANA price fall fall in the last year has undoubtedly put many investors off the idea of investing in the Decentraland token. No one can be certain that it has reached the bottom yet.

On the other hand, the presale of MCADE tokens has confirmed that this project is already well-supported and well on its way to being a success. All the signs are pointing towards the Metacade project making big profits for those people who are quick and grab a piece of the presale before it’s too late.

You can participate in the Metacade pre-sale here.

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