IBM Files a Patent for Blockchain-Based Open Scientific Research

IBM Files a Patent for Blockchain-Based Open Scientific Research

IBM has filed for a patent application that will allow blockchain technology to be deployed toward scientific research and the facilitation of data sharing. A major aim of the new technology is to make it possible for researchers to closely “follow their work” as it travels between, in addition to being used by, other institutions. Basically, “the process outlined in the patent would allow the blockchain to serve as a tamper-proof research log.”

A sequence of blocks representing several research data packages would be provided by the proposed blockchain. A block would be composed of information about the research, while the next block would be made up of the analysis that was done on the former block. Also, the proposed blockchain would allow the addition of “correction” and “summary” blocks to the chain. This would, in turn, lead to the expansion of data on the blockchain instead of the data being deleted.

According to the patent application, there are already similar platforms that are used for scientific research and the facilitation of data research. However, these platforms are “limited” and most of them do not have a method of vetting the veracity or reliability of data. In sharp contrast, the distributed ledger that is based off blockchain makes it impossible to modify data.

Maria Chang, Patrick Watson, Ravindrath Kokku, and Jae-wook Ahn are the creators of the patent. These four are members of a research group located in IBM’s Watson Research Center. The patent for this technology was originally filed by IBM last December. However, the contents of the application are being made public for the first time. No one has any idea if the patent will be approved or when it will be approved.

In recent times, IBM has been at the forefront of major innovations in the blockchain industry. Its number of blockchain patents, which currently sits at 89, is only surpassed by Alibaba who leads with 90 blockchain patents.

Apart from filing patents for blockchain, IBM is also deeply involved in a lot of real-time blockchain networks. The company has deployed its blockchain technology to a number of situations, in addition to having several clients and blockchain partnerships on its roster.

In conclusion

A patent application that is set to adapt blockchain technology to scientific research in addition to facilitating the sharing of data has been submitted by IBM. This new technology would allow researchers to monitor the movement and usage of their work by other institutions. Essentially, the blockchain is expected to be a research log that is tamper-proof.

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