How to Make Money with Cryptocurrency – 10 Easy Ways

How to Make Money with Cryptocurrency – 10 Easy Ways

Everyone gets into the cryptocurrency field to make money, but not all end up doing that. A lot of people either simply give up along the way or fall into some sort trap with the rising cases of crypto scams.

Truth be told, there are quite a handful of methods you can make legitimate money with cryptocurrencies other than the obvious way of trading. We, therefore, decided to explore some of the proven ways of how to make money with cryptocurrency; we found quite a few, but be assured that you’ll find them very impressive.

Without further ado, below are 10 ways to make money with cryptocurrency today.

Way#1. Buy and HODL

This is the most common way of earning money from cryptocurrencies. Most investors buy coins such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and more and wait until their value rise. Once their market prices rise, they sell at a profit.

This investing strategy requires one to identify more stable and volatile assets that can shift in value rapidly, resulting in regular profits. Assets such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have been known to maintain regular price fluctuations; they can, therefore, be considered a safe investment in this regard. However, you’re welcomed to trade any asset you feel is going to rise in value; all you need to do is to analyze each asset you invest in before committing to HODLing it.

Also, you don’t need to buy the most expensive assets for you to make profits. There are thousands of small altcoins that have decent price shifts; consider having a mix of all coins that have a promising future value and are not just popular in the exchanges.

Way#2. Earn Cryptocurrency Dividends

Did you know that you can buy cryptos and hold them for the dividend? Well, there are a number of coins that will get you paid for simply buying and holding their digital assets. The best thing about these coins paying a dividend to holders is you don’t even have to stake them, especially in a wallet.

A few examples of coins that pay out dividends include COSS, CEFF, NEO, KUCOIN, and more.

Just like the conventional stocks, not all of these coins, are suitable for your portfolio; you’ll need to analyze and pick out what seems to align with your investment objectives.

Way#3. Run Cryptocurrency Master Nodes

What is a crypto master node?

These are full nodes that motivate operators of the various nodes to execute their roles in operating a blockchain. In other words, a master node is a cryptocurrency full node or computer wallet that maintains a real-time record of a blockchain’s activities.

The idea behind master nodes is a bit technical in nature, but below is a simplified explanation:

Running crypto master nodes is one of the most popular ways of earning passive income in this space. But how exactly do you make money from this?

Allow me…

Many cryptocurrencies pay node operators to maintain a real-time record of their activities on their native blockchains. Since the process is complex and requires one to maintain a certain minimum number of coins under their master nodes, crypto platforms prefer outsourcing the service to master node operators at a fee.

Examples of proof of stake cryptos that have master nodes include DASH and PIVX.

Way#4. Stake Cryptos

This is another method of earning money from cryptocurrencies; it offers a double earning potential through price appreciation and dividend payout from selected coins for staking (or proof-of-stake) their digital assets.

Staking involves holding coins in a live wallet, thus allowing you to earn additional coins for securing that particular crypto network.

Some examples of coins that can be staked include NAV Coin, PIVX, Neblio, Decred, and many more.

Way#5. Day Trading

More than 80% of cryptocurrency investors believe that the only effective way (if not the only way) to earn money in this space is through day trading.

But what most of them don’t know is that day trading is more than just holding an asset until its value rises; it takes a lot to be a day trader, but most importantly, you need to have the proper analytical and technical skills.

You’ll need to analyze market charts on the performance of the listed assets; this is perhaps the most involving way of earning from cryptos but I believe one of the most rewarding.

You can start day trading on any exchange today; all you need to do is to sign up, buy some assets, analyze, and you’re all set.

You an also start trading through an automatic trading platform like bitcoin profit  which allows users to decipher the signals emitted by the trends on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and start perform successful small trader.

Tip: If you’re going to be a day trader, consider mastering the art of analyzing stocks using the technical and fundamental methods; they are widely used to evaluate all traded assets.

Way#6. Help Out with Cryptocurrency Microtasks

If you have extra time, you can also do some small tasks for individuals or cryptocurrency platforms and get paid for it. The tasks can widely vary; it could be apps testing, adverts viewing, taking surveys, watching videos, and more.

You can get microtasks from sites such as Bitcoins Rewards, Coinbucks, or Bituro.

money with cryptocurrency

Way#7. Work for Cryptocurrency Companies

This is a common way of earning from the sector. Anyone can work for a cryptocurrency company at any capacity; you can be a digital marketer, content creator, web designer, among other things. All you have to do is to identify their needs and show them how your skills can help solve a problem.

The best thing about working for crypto platforms is that you’re likely to work remotely, allowing you to benefit from the flexibility of working from your own space.

Other than that, most crypto firms offer very competitive packages, and if you happen to come by a chance to work with any legit ones, don’t hesitate to take up the opportunity.

Below are a few examples of platforms that pay in digital assets for services rendered:

  • Coinality
  • bitWAGE
  • JobsforBitcoin
  • XBTFreelancer
  • Coinworker

These companies offer their compensation in terms of cryptos; this, therefore, means that the value of your earnings can more than double in value within days if not hours.

Way#8. Crypto Arbitrage

The cryptocurrency sector is largely unregulated; this has resulted in a lot of variations in terms of assets valuation, pricing of products, and so on. Most exchanges decide for themselves the prices their assets at are listed, and this has brought avoid the difference in the volatility and liquidity of assets. If well researched, one can make a kill from these price variations through buying from cheap sources and selling on overpriced exchanges. This is pretty much what describes arbitrage.

If you get your act together, you can find anything between 5% – 30% in price spreads across various exchanges. Consider signing up on various platforms and compare asset prices to find any meaningful variations to capitalize on.

Way#9. Cryptocurrency Faucets

Crypto faucets are not that popular, but a very viable mean of income generating. Bitcoin faucets are the most popular ones and they are basically a reward system that runs in the form of a website or application that offers rewards to qualified users in form of a Satoshi. A Satoshi is a hundredth of a millionth BTC; a reward awarded for completing a task such as a capture or any other as may be required by the application or website.

The tasks may also be in form of fun activities such as playing games, watching videos, viewing certain ads. Each task that’s accomplished earns you a small portion of Bitcoin. You may need to complete quite a number of tasks to be able to make any tangible income from cryptocurrency faucets.

You can check out some faucets right here.

Way#10. Create Cryptocurrency Content

Over the last decade, content has become one of the most effective ways of communicating any message to your existing or potential clients. If you need to launch a new product or services, content is the best way to do that.

The crypto sector, especially, relies on content marketing a lot due to the fact that most projects are virtual. It may, therefore, not be possible to use conventional marketing ways to reach the target audience. And this is where the opportunity lies; you can  create video content, infographics, or written content for various cryptocurrency brands.

Some of the websites that offer regular gigs for content creators in the cryptocurrency space include Yours, Y’alls, and Steemit.

Bonus: Way#11

Incorporate cryptocurrency as one of your payment methods

If you’re a merchant, you stand a chance of earning handsomely from accepting crypto payments. Statistics show that some cryptos have risen in market value within a day by 1000s in percentage increase, very few investments make it to 100% in years.

All you need to do is to identify the best channel for accepting crypto payments; here are a few to get you started:

  • CoinBank
  • BitPay
  • CoinGate
  • SpectroCoin

…and more.


So, can you make money with cryptocurrency? Well, there, you now have your answer.

You now have 11 ways of how to make money with cryptocurrency; try the ones that work for you and see their impact.

And if you’ve tried any of the above mentioned or different ways, please share with us in the comments section.


  1. Fantastic blog post. Really helpful tips to Make Money with Cryptocurrency. Thanks for sharing

    1. Wonderful tips. You can recovery your stolen bitcoins or funds with the help of remotespytech (at) g-m-a-I-l.. What a remarkable service, help in times of need

  2. What is #1 HODL and how do I do it? Credibility of your article is pretty weak if you can’t even spell..

    1. Cindy. Sorry to break it to you. But YOU are the fool here. There are no misspellings here whatsoever. HODL is a ubiquitous term now acronym that stands for “Hold On for Dear Life. Years ago a crypto trader was writing to someone quickly telling them to buy Bitcoin and hold it until the price increases. In his haste HE misspelled the word hold , hodl. This funny mistake gave birth to HODL, which 99% of anyone who knows crypto has already heard of before. You my dear are the rare 1% who apparently have not.

      1. Cindy went awfully quiet :’-()

      2. I figured it out myself, and I never heard the term, for sure I heard Hold ,Buy and Hold stocks etc. Better to ask ,Was that a mistake? Instead of being arrogant; there is much to learn about Crypto,I’m finding out , (:

    2. Its an intentional misspelling of hold, but it means Hold On for Dear Life.. meaning don’t sell at the first sign of profit.

    3. HODL is a term derived from a misspelling of “hold” that refers to buy-and-hold strategies in the context of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

    4. Do you even HODL bro?

    5. He did spell it correctly for starters, why do people comment on post rudely but have no idea what the person is even talking about.
      Typical simp or woman.
      What is HODLING?
      At 10:03 a.m. UTC on Dec. 18, Bitcointalk forum user GameKyuubi posted “I AM HODLING”—a drunk, semi-coherent, typo-laden rant about the user’s poor trading skills and determination to simply hold his Bitcoin from that point on. “I type d that tyitle twice because I knew it was wrong the first time. Still wrong. w/e,” GameKyuubi wrote about the now-famous misspelling of “holding.” “WHY AM I HOLDING? I’LL TELL YOU WHY,” he continued. “It’s because I’m a bad trader and I KNOW I’M A BAD TRADER. Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that and make a millino bucks sure no problem bro.”

  3. I was reached out to on Instagram by a trader who specializes in crypto-investment.his company was on the cutting edge and used the latest technology and could offer guaranteed returns. I invested and used their online platform. I could see my investments were resulting in good profits. I invested more and till date i never regretted investing with can try them out as well at stratsminingdotcom . you will definitely be wowed about this i promise you

  4. To be frank, this is the year of the bull for crypto. Day trading will make you tens of thousands every month if not millions. Once in a lifetime opportunity. Please do all you can to learn day trade crypto and make all the money/crypto you can, because this won’t last. I’m gobsmacked how people are still missing out.

    1. Day trading is very difficult and takes years of experience to become profcient.

  5. what assets can be used to make a profit? will bitcoin fall? will I be able to make a profit on the dividends? thanks for the information

    1. There are no dividends or assets. You only make money on the next people that come in after you. Like MLM.

    2. There are no dividends or assets. You only make money on the next people that come in after you. Like MLM.

  6. This is so exciting, I myself own 0.5 bitcoin, at age 63 !

    1. How do you own”0.5″ of bitcoin??

  7. Plz i need some more explanation to get to know more about cryptocurrency i have got a clue still not convinced i have known it well can i have to know it better please your concern will be highly valued

  8. Where do I find Jason’s methods?

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  10. Wow, I enjoy reading this article, God Bless You
    Regards from Panama 🇵🇦

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  12. Appreciated on your article writing… Really very good information sharing. Thank you for the sharing information with the people.

  13. how to start trading. can anyone explain

    1. You will need to learn Technical Analysis, so you won’t lose all your money to the market

  14. You will need to learn Technical Analysis, so you won’t lose all your money to the market

  15. Crypto space is an unpredictable and volatile market; thus, you generally have to face challenges and risks. There are no certifications of benefit, yet people, who contribute, remembering the benefit and the risk factor, get the greatest benefits through cryptographic money exchanging. Thanks for sharing informative blog.

  16. You lost me at “get paid in crypto which means double your earnings in days, if not hours.”

    100% returns in hours… really….? Crypto isn’t magic. It’s actually very hard to make consistent money.

  17. You lost me at “get paid in crypto which means double your earnings in days, if not hours.”

    100% returns in hours… really….? Crypto isn’t magic. It’s actually very hard to make consistent money.

  18. Very good article, looking to get into trading crypto currency, or maybe even penny stocks.
    Can anyone recommend a good 101 guide?

  19. Very good article, looking to get into trading crypto currency, or maybe even penny stocks.
    Can anyone recommend a good 101 guide?

  20. The cyrpto market has been unstable. People ask themselves if this is the right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion I think you should take a look at things first. BTC is the best cryptocurrency to make earnings due to the recent outbreak. Sometimes when we have that specific money that we want to invest in a particular thing, we always lose focus and then invest or spend the money wrongly. Investors who bought early are still in profit despite the recent price crash and they also earn by tradlng…

  21. Lol cmon Chad, nit everyone knows what hodl means, a good thing there are more people learning the word. That only means that more people are getting into cryptos now, and not to late.

  22. The author of this post has undoubtedly done a great job by shaping this article on such an uncommon yet untouched topic. There are not many posts to be seen on this topic and hence whenever I came across this one, I didn’t think twice before reading it. The language of this post is extremely clear and easy to understand and this is possibly the USP of this post.

  23. enjoy reading this article, God Bless You, Thanks

  24. How can I understand crypto pls.

  25. I’m an old dinosaur that’s not very technically smart. I’m absolutely amazed with the earnings I see people making with crypto and NFTs is it too late to get started.
    Is just investing in crypto worth it or am I waisting my time and money.

  26. Very interesting! I really desire to make passive income out of this whole thing. I’m on ground zero, what exactly do I need to begin this whole cryptocurrency thing. I was drawn into this research on getting to hear about NFT. Please help a brother in need.

  27. I love reading your blogs. You share every piece of information related to the topic. You have a great knowledge of everything. I also remember a blog that is related to earning crypto. You must visit the site once for more information.

  28. Could we be seeing the historical cliche that is ‘the top of the market’?
    It may not be ‘the shoe-shine boy giving stock tips’….no this is worse…inexperienced people getting involved in something they don’t understand but assume they’ve a good chance of making money by doing very little! Remember one thing: winners will show off, losers will slink away…so there is a distorted impression about the money being made. These days it seems journalists no longer state that 80% of day-traders lose everything….
    And that will be worse now, with the casual utilisation of eye-watering leverage…
    It will all end in tears.

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  30. I think an important criterion for choosing a cryptocurrency is the community of the coin. For example, Monero has great support among followers. This means that the coin will survive difficult times. Also, the Crypton coin also has good community support. A coin with an ecosystem that has many applications and features is also a great investment option.

  31. Informative tips! This blog outlines practical ways to make money with cryptocurrency. The variety of options presented makes it accessible for both beginners and experienced investors. Thank you for sharing this valuable guide!

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