Buying Made Simple: How To Buy Dash

Buying Made Simple: How To Buy Dash

Over the last few years, a new wave of tech has slowly but surely been taking over the tech and finance space. And, the reason you and I are here today is because we have been keeping an eye on this technology.

Cryptocurrency is undoubtedly one of the most popular trends in many sectors today, with big names such as Microsoft and Alibaba investing in it.

In the midst of all the frenzy is a coin called Dash.

Here’s what the Dash team says about their digital asset:

Dash has only been around for a few years (since 2014) and has already secured a name for itself amongst crypto giants such as Ethereum and Bitcoin.

At the beginning of 2017, the coin was trading at a mere $10 price tag, but as of today, the price of the coin is sitting somewhere between $180 and $182 on various exchanges across the world.

That’s an increase of about 1800% in less than 2 years – quite a record, I must say.

In this post, we’ll talk about how to buy Dash, the methods you can use to buy it, as well as why we think you might want to invest in this coin.

I’ll start with why you need to invest in this digital asset because if not, you wouldn’t have a reason to read on, would you?

So, let’s get right into it!

Why Should You Invest in Dash?

Being a decentralized digital currency, Dash can be used anywhere around the world – with the exception of a few countries that do not support crypto activities.

Dash contains a feature called Private-Send – now, what the feature does is that is mixes coins through what is known as a Master node to ensure that no given transaction can be traced to a given source or destination. This not only enhances the privacy of user data but also the security of transactions.

In addition, the coin’s platform contains a feature known as Instant-Send – which makes it possible for transactions to be confirmed in a matter of seconds, thereby eliminating the issue of double spending, which is becoming a nightmare to a number of crypto users.

All transactions undertaken on the Dash platform are highly secured through a collective effort of numerous miners who host thousands of servers across the world.

In simpler terms, with Dash, you can have the privacy and fast transaction speeds experienced by users of fiat currencies.

Now you have a reason to move on to the next part of this guide on how to buy Dash, don’t you?

That’s what I thought!

So, how do I buy Dash coins? Here’s how:

How to Buy Dash

Step #1 – Get a Wallet

A wallet is needed to support your journey in the cryptocurrency space.

And if you had no idea about crypto wallets or the various types to choose from, don’t worry, here’s a quick guide for you:

Essentially, there are several types of cryptocurrency wallets but the most recommended ones are hardware wallets. This is because hardware wallets enable you to store your funds offline, which prevents you from losing them either to hackers or a computer crash.

Step #2 – Buy Your Dash Coins

For most first time investors in crypto, this is always a daunting task, especially if they’ve heard about some of the misfortunes that have befallen many first-time venturers who had little to no information about the trade. But that aside, this process is actually not as complicated as many new users imagine.

It is vital to know exactly where to buy Dash.

Let’s explore a few popular options of how to buy Dash Coin, as well as where to buy them.

Credit/Debit Card Purchases

eToro – If your goal for buying cryptos is purely for speculative purposes, then this is the platform for you. It allows you to buy cryptocurrencies, and sell them off for fiat currencies. The platform does not allow users to have actual access to the coins, nor send them to other users, hence making it reliable for speculative purposes.

BitPanda – This platform allows you to buy Dash coins using options other than card purchases. The only downside of the platform is that it is only accessible to users in Europe.

Bank Wire Transfer Purchases

AnyCoinDirect – This platform allows users to buy Dash directly using SEPA transfers, as long as the user is within Europe. This is one of the most popular exchanges in Europe and is relatively affordable when it comes to transaction fees. Coins purchased are typically received within 2 days.

Kraken – Kraken is a well-known exchange and enjoys a good rapport among most crypto users. The platform allows users to fund their accounts using fiat currencies through a wire transfer and the funds can then be used to purchase your coins.

Cash Purchases

Dash ATMs – Basically, there are three locations in the US where users can purchase Dash coins from ATMs; they are located in Florida, Oregon, and New York. Despite this mode of purchasing coins attracting higher transaction fees, it remains the easiest and the most convenient way of buying cryptocurrencies.

WallofCoins – This mode of purchasing Dash coins allows users to acquire the digital currencies at nearly their spot prices. Furthermore, users can make purchases by depositing funds using their local bank accounts. The platform operates in the US, Brazil, Canada, Poland, Germany, Latvia, and the Philippines.


Now that you’ve purchased your coins, you can now move them to your offline wallet for safe storage. Remember, leaving your coins on an exchange has its dangers; therefore, be sure to store them on an offline storage device the minute you’re done transacting on an exchange.

And with that, you now own Dash coins!

1 Comment

  1. Im trading with dash i like trade with dash

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