Countries Which Are Most Open to Bitcoin

Countries Which Are Most Open to Bitcoin

Bitcoin is more widely accepted than ever, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to use. After all, most of us aren’t able to keep pace up with the upgraded Bitcoin trends and news. Trying to figure out the cities that are Bitcoin-friendly can be challenging. That’s why we’ve done the hard work for you.

We’ve identified the top 5 countries globally that are most accepting of digital currency for payment.


Netherland has become a pro-Bitcoin user and more open to conferences and accepting legality of decentralized currencies. It happened when the city Amsterdam became a hub for bitcoin mining. Mining is the basic process of generating new coins using high-powered graphics cards and hardware and software technology computers to complete transactions on the blockchain. In return, the reward is in the form of Bitcoin.

Despite the growing interest in virtual currencies, they remain controversial within its financial sector. The tax authorities still consider Bitcoins property, so profits gained from selling them are subject to capital tax gains. It is unclear whether or not taxes must be paid on purchases made with cryptocurrency.


Florida Miami is home to many cryptocurrency businesses and one of the most enthusiastic blockchain communities globally. Miami Bitcoin Hosting is a web hosting company that accepts bitcoins for domain registration and monthly hosting services. Its business is booming, and it has experienced 400 percent growth in 2017. Many merchants in the city continue to accept bitcoin as a form of payment, though not all have had success. But the number of locations where you can use bitcoin as a tender is growing every day.


New York has a long history of attracting tech talent worldwide, and crypto groups are no exception. The city is home to several and multiple crypto industry conferences every year, including CoinDesk’s Consensus, which has hosted 5,000 attendees at its New York show in the past. According to data from the Digital Chamber of Commerce, the city also has more than 50 crypto startups.

Some of the most influential companies in blockchain have been founded in New York, including Blockchain, Bitfury, and Ethereum. The state is also home to the biggest blockchain companies and cryptocurrency startups. New York has some Bitcoin ATMs as compared to any other country. There are currently at least 56 Bitcoin ATMs spread across all five boroughs and Long Island and Westchester County.


London is the monetary capital of Europe and the U.K., so it’s no surprise that it’s also a central hub for bitcoin and cryptocurrency. The city has long been a center for finance, so it should be no surprise that London is home to 50 ATMs where you can buy bitcoin with pounds sterling. In London, bitcoin is viewed as a legitimate currency by many local businesses, so it’s not uncommon to see bitcoin accepted here. Bitcoin startups in London include Coinfloor, one of the oldest bitcoin exchanges, although it’s not based in London. Furthermore, there are dozens of Meetup groups in the city that welcome members interested in learning more about cryptocurrency.

New Hampshire

The Portsmouth Bitcoin Meetup Group has more than 700 members, and the city hosts a weekly Bitcoin Brunch to discuss cryptocurrencies, as well as a monthly Crypto-Night, where several dozen people gather for drinks and Crypto Bingo. Others have begun using bitcoin as a payment method at local businesses like Photo Booths, specializing in customized photo strips used at parties and other events. One of the driving factors behind Portsmouth’s crypto- friendliness is that it’s straightforward to use bitcoin there.

The city is home to two cryptocurrency teller machines at the Seacoast Repertory Theatre and The Bunker Hill Pub & Brewery, which accept bitcoin. And other enterprises are open to accepting Bitcoin as a medium of exchange against any commodity; they might not be well equipped with tellers like other businesses, making it inconvenient for customers to convert bitcoin into cash.


Bitcoin is slowly starting to become a more widely accepted currency as countries worldwide are becoming more accepting of it. More businesses are adopting bitcoin, but the cryptocurrency is still not widely used. Some countries accept bitcoin, such as Venezuela and Zimbabwe, where their national currencies have lost much of their value.

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