Caution for Investing In Bitcoin

Caution for Investing In Bitcoin


With the price of a bitcoin exceeding $10,000, an increasing number of regular individuals are planning to invest in the cryptocurrency. However, the current price rise entails enormous dangers. Traders should anticipate the possibility of losing their whole capital. Since the start of this year, the price of bitcoin has risen by 130% as more customers rush to it in the hope of profiting from its growing popularity and corresponding growth in value. Cryptocurrencies are not, in fact, currencies. According to the Financial Times, bitcoin is a collection of computer codes, which implies that more bitcoins may be generated — up to a certain limit – by computers that earn the right to do so by solving difficult problems. Transactions are stored in a distributed database known as a blockchain. Bitcoins may be obtained by exchanging other currencies for them or by trading products and services for them. Nevertheless, another common method of obtaining Bitcoins is via trading. Why cryptocurrencies are attracting  and learn how to benefit from bitcoin trading.

The Blockchain Element

Without a doubt, Bitcoin – and more precisely, the blockchain innovation that powers it – has the power to change the financial services industry. A blockchain is a decentralized, transparent, and unalterable digital ledger of economic transactions that are chronologically ordered and run on a peer-to-peer network. At its core, the technology allows information sharing between peers with different interests without trusted middlemen. This effectively eliminates the necessity for banks or financial services firms to provide this function. Technology’s application is not restricted to financial transactions. On a blockchain, almost anything of value may be exchanged. However, regardless of how beneficial the underlying blockchain technology is or how broadly it may be used, bitcoin has real and significant dangers.


There is a significant danger that bitcoin has already reached an unsustainable level of valuation. Bitcoin has a limited variety of behavioral uses in the real world. It cannot process enough transactions per second to be utilised instead of a modern payment system. And it lacks all functionality except for pseudonymous transactions — those in which the counterparties’ actual identities are concealed. Pyramid scams, such as the notorious MMM pyramid scheme in Nigeria, prefer Bitcoin. The Financial Times recently referred to bitcoin as a pyramid scheme, much to the chagrin of crypto fans. Typically, a pyramid scheme is a criminal enterprise in which members pay to join and benefit primarily from future contributions. It will collapse if no fresh individuals are brought in.

Regulatory Danger

In September 2017, the Chinese government banned bitcoin exchanges, precipitating a steep drop in bitcoin prices. If the Chinese government ever decides to criminalize Bitcoin mining, the price is likely to plummet into oblivion. Other nations have expressed alarm as well. The Russian Central Bank has warned investors about the dangers of cryptocurrency investments, expressing worries about a bubble. This indicates the possibility of a coordinated crackdown. Cryptocurrencies are prohibited in India due to their usage violating foreign exchange regulations. The Australian Federal Reserve has taken a different approach. It monitors the bitcoin economy to get a deeper grasp of the enabling infrastructure. The Reserve Bank of South Africa has shown an interest in blockchain technology. However, it has brought to light significant consumer concerns.

Returns versus Volatility

The first and most important danger is that bitcoin is highly volatile compared to any other money, stock, or metal. Bitcoin’s volatility concerning the US dollar is almost six times that of the Rand about the US currency. While this is advantageous in good times, it may be disastrous for investors in poor times. When experienced investors make investment decisions, they consider both the asset’s return and volatility. Only investors with a good risk appetite will invest in volatile, hazardous assets. These are often financial experts, such as those working in big investment banks or hedge funds. Investors with reduced risk tolerance, such as asset managers or pension funds, choose lower-yielding but less volatile investments. The general rule is that an investor’s sophistication rises in direct proportion to the volatility of the asset in which she invests. Private investors are flocking to bitcoin ‘exchanges’ that have popped up over the internet and are heavily promoted on social media.


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