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TraXion هو الرمز الذي يجعل التمويل عادلًا وآمنًا ومتاحًا للجميع. باستخدام تقنية blockchain ، ستمكن TraXion الأشخاص - وخاصة غير المقرضين والمصرفين بنقص - من الوصول إلى مجموعة كاملة من الخدمات المالية بما في ذلك التحويلات المالية منخفضة التكلفة والمدخرات والمدفوعات غير النقدية والإقراض من نظير إلى نظير والاستثمارات والتأمين والعمل الخيري.
  • سوق
    المجلد 24H
    24 ساعة (السعر)
    24H (حجم)
  • Idex
    TXN/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
  • Simex
    TXN/USD 5 one year ago
    $ 104.31
  • Simex
    TXN/USDT 5 one year ago
    $ 104.31
  • Raisex
    TXN/ETH 6 one year ago
    $ 1.156866384158E-6
100% منجز
$2 630 441
1% الغطاء الصلب منجز
الغطاء الصلب 100 000.00 ETH
  • 1 TXN
    0.001 ETH
تفاصيل الرمز
مبرقة كاتبة
إجمالي العرض
توزيع الرمز
40% - Crowdsale
20% - Team
20% - Reserve
8% - Pre-Sale
5% - Community
3% - Rewards and Bounty
2% - CSR
2% - Seed
العملات المقبولة
تفاصيل الشركة
اسم الشركة المسجلة
Pluma Technologies Ltd.
البلد المسجل
هيكل المكافأة
0-10M - 40%
10M-20M - 30%
20M-30M - 20%
30M-40M - 10%
تفاصيل اضافية
نعم فعلا
البلدان المحظورة
China, Cuba, Iran
برنامج, الاعمال الخيرية, التجزئة, خدمات الأعمال, عقد ذكي

حول TraXion

Traxion aims to be a better bank in a blockchain-driven environment, enabling its community to load, send, save, spend, lend, borrow, and more using a secure, simplified yet compliant application. It is an environment where for-profit meets non-profit sectors and develops a synergy towards corruption-free social impact activities.

There are start-ups trying to focus on a niche and would not take advantage of economies of scale, which is one of the main advantages enjoyed by traditional financial institutions that may not be as technologically advanced. Traxion plans to offer traditional financial products in a blockchain-driven environment, eventually becoming the crypto-economy for payments, peer-to-peer lending, remittances, savings, insurance, investments, and philanthropy.

Traxion has launched several products and services to prepare itself for this exciting event of involving the crowd in its mission. Traxion plans to have significant infrastructure in place prior to the initial coin offering (ICO). To date, Traxion has built four (4) of the six elements in the proposed economies of scale:

Payment Platform, Wallet, Personal Finance Platform and Fundraising Platform. These four platforms will soon be on TraxChain – connecting people to effectively transact payments, lower the cost of peer-to-peer lending and remittance, transparently account for philanthropic activities of non-profit organizations and enable insurance and investments processed more efficiently using smart contracts.

Traxion is building a crypto-economy to last, therefore, the focus will be on the scale, elimination of middlemen, and decentralizing legacy systems. To achieve these goals, Traxion will offer white-label platforms across the globe and connect them in a distributed, permissioned and secured blockchain. It will be used by banks, operators and agencies in key jurisdictions to process in different fiat currencies and facilitate cross- border transactions without the need for counterparties while also enabling all players donate to causes this blockchain trusts.

Traxion aims to fill the gap between the existing financial system and emerging non-user-friendly technologies by presenting a secure and simple way to use payments and banking architecture that aims to lower financial inclusion barriers and provide financial services to the banked and unbanked. Through the planned integration with Master Card Service Provider, we will build the wallet that enables our user to store or transfer money to any card in the world. The sender and the receiver transact in the local currency and needs no awareness of cryptocurrencies or blockchain technology behind.

To achieve these objectives, an initial coin offering (ICO) will be conducted. The offering will be a virtual currency tokens known as a Traxion Token or TXN. Funds raised will be given as grant to a foundation situated in Southeast Asia (GavaGives Foundation Inc.) to facilitate the development of Traxion’s projects.

٪ name٪ خريطة الطريق

  • April 2018

  • Initial Coin Offering.
  • Q2 2018

  • Traxion Wallet Capability.
    Supports fund transfers using disbursement gateway and peer-to-peer transfers to prepare for full remittance solution. This will hold all 3 functions: payments, remittance and donations.
  • Q3 2018

  • SMARTER Fundraising.
    Enhancement of existing fundraising platform to apply smart contracts that will measure performance of nonprofit organizations through its giving score and blockchain analytics.
  • End of 2018

  • Crypto Trading on Wallet.
    Aside from payment, remittance and donation capabilities, Traxion wallet will launch cryptotrading facility supporting major cryptocurrencies like ER20, Ripple, NEM, etc.
  • اقرأ أكثر
  • Early 2019

  • Whitelabel Remittance Portal.
    To scale the business, a whitelabel solution for remittance business will be offered to existing agencies and brokers. Using Hyperledger technology, transactions will be faster, cheaper and more secured.
  • Late 2019

  • Peer-to-peer Lending.
    Wallet users will be able to lend to other users using TraXion KYC, Credit Score and Microfinance Solution.

TraXion المواد

TraXion الفريق

التحقق 36%

انتباه. هناك خطر من أن الأعضاء الذين لم يتم التحقق منهم ليسوا أعضاء في الفريق

Ann Cuisia
Tamer Maher
Jojy Azurin
Business Strategist
Roberto Calida
غير مثبت عليه
Raymonde Sawal
Marketing Head In Charge of UK
غير مثبت عليه
Alvin Veroy
Director, Infrastructure
Jon Margalit
Biz Dev, North American Region
غير مثبت عليه
Iurii Znak
Marketing & Investment Consultant
غير مثبت عليه
Miguel Pilar
Director, Business Development
غير مثبت عليه
Jourdan Sebastian
Market Influencer
غير مثبت عليه


التحقق 43%

انتباه. هناك خطر من أن الأعضاء الذين لم يتم التحقق منهم ليسوا أعضاء في الفريق

Burton Crapps
Clive Knott
غير مثبت عليه


$8 130 441

Yobie Benjamin
ICO Advisor
غير مثبت عليه
Aldo Carrascoso
غير مثبت عليه
Krishan Grover
Business Advisor
غير مثبت عليه
Rafael Padilla
Legal & Compliance Advisor


$2 630 441

Steven Stanley

TraXion مقابلات

Ann Cuisia
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
We are building a platform on blockchain for the common good, servicing the unbanked and the underbanked.
Our solution aims to be frictionless with the banks and borderless for people.
Tamer Maher
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Leading the Orchestra
Jojy Azurin
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With my long experience in technology entrepreneurship, I provide the strategic business direction of the company.

We are excited with the future scenario that our society will be crypto-based. And TraXion will help everyone prepare and transition to a crypto-based economy.
Alvin Veroy
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Lead Blockchain and Infrastructure developer.
Burton Crapps
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My interest in TraXion is related to offering an ecosystem for providing services to the underserved population of the country. I am sharing our corporate exposure and my 30+ years of business development in Asia to assist in the growth of the business.
Rafael Padilla
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I advise on the legal and compliance concerns for the Traxion project.
Steven Stanley
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
My role in this ICO was to advise on PR matters such as press release writing and distribution. Especially important was having this project reported upon in various Crypto Media.

TraXion آخر الأخبار

$ 0.0001
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
Volume 24h:
Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
X 0.0001
ICO Price~$1.86

٪ اسم٪ مراجعات

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

TRAXION is a platform that creates a friendly ecosystem for crypto currency trading for a common good of all businesses.


  • Easy payments: The Traxion pay through the use of a simplified merchant on boarding enables small business owners can receive payments even when the customers don’t have bank accounts.
  • Poverty reduction: The platform helps  combating poverty  by limiting corruption which is achieved through automation and digitalization minimizing the avenues for corruption as most robust systems records all transactions
  • Transparency : The use of smart contract ensures that there is truthfulness, accountability and transparency  during depression in any community and any aid from the individuals  are exploited properly
  • Security: The platform is based on Hyper ledger Fabric which driven by a permission network where all the participants are required to be authenticated in order to participate and transact on the platform. The identities further governs the level of access control hence providing more security measures
  • Speed: The platform provides a white-label platform that integrates multiple payments options on the block chain with built in KYC for on boarding of merchants enabling easy and faster cross boarder payments
  • Cost effective: The use of the platform eliminates the existence of intermediaries, agents and  brokers ensuring that the users  don’t undergo unnecessary costs and fastens the operations of the platform
  • Team: The platform has assembled an expert management team with diverse range of talents and skills in crypto currency banking, banking operations, payment processing which are directly in line with the intended objectives of the platform
  • White paper: The white paper has all the necessary information to the users enabling  them to fully understand the project implications


  • TraXion token  doesn’t allows the holders to access the services provided by the PraXion Chain platform 
  • The platform operation is easily affected by the laws imposed by the legal authorities
  • The PraXion token holders are not granted legal rights to dividends and interests in the platform


  • The platform through its token should empower the token holders  by granting them rights over decision making of the organization and a share of dividends and interests
  • The platform should comply to all the laws imposed by the regulatory authorities before its launch


The platform builds an infrastructure for everyday users by enforcing data integrity, accountability, transparency and trust through the use of block chain technology. These features are beneficial to all kind of businesses enabling them to earn higher returns hence I would invest in the project

اقرأ أكثر


TraXion is aiming to provide a way to make cryptocurrency viable as a day-to-day payment and trading method. Through their wallet, intuitive smart contracts, and by providing blockchain solutions to businesses, TraXion hopes to create a community and environment of trust around cryptocurrency. This will encourage the daily use of tokens in anything. This will open the door for increased lending, trading, and shopping in the future.

Smart contracts
Wallet which offers zero-cost transfers
Plan to create blockchain solutions for small businesses
Active in the crypto community and do regular meetups and speeches.
No solid product available for testing yet
Most features of their platform won’t be available till late 2019

اقرأ أكثر
News, reviews

Project strong sides: brilliant-look professional-oriented team.

Project weak sides: ambitious plans without any supporting by business plan, researches or marketing strategy presented; probably fake payment system website which announced in WP as launched part of project.

So our position is negative, probably scam.

اقرأ أكثر

Differentiation: Compared to most blockchain-based projects that aim to provide financial services, the company does not adequately describe how the platform differentiates itself from the competition. There is a section in the whitepaper that discusses TraXion versus other platforms, however the discussion is vague. It is stated that “apart from other budding solutions with similar models, TraXion’s potential poses superiority in terms of creating a more complete platform where both the banked and unbanked will enjoy equal yet empowering opportunities and access to resources”. Specific platforms that aiming to achieve the same goal are not discussed.

Market Penetration Potential: The market of financial services is highly difficult to penetrate as a startup company. Especially considering the number of direct competitors that TraXion faces and the regulatory obstacles that will impede their development.

Solution Advantage: The most notable advantage of the platform is that the platform is to be build on existing products/services. Otherwise, the platform does not provide any distinct advantage to most competitors.

Long-Term Vision: The whitepaper contains multiple vague statements regarding the vision of the platform stating that the company aims to ” put trust back to the community to be able to give more and help more people around the world” and that “the possibilities for cryptocurrencies and blockchain for good are unlimited”. It is explicitly stated that beyond financial inclusion, transparency and accountability, the organization “ultimately wants to create social impact”. However, with these long-term goals do not necessarily align with the milestones set out on the roadmap.

اقرأ أكثر

TraXion project wants to fill the gap between existing financial systems and emerging technology which are not user-friendly as it could be. In order to do this, the project is representing a simple and secure platform to utilize banking system and doing payments which will reduce the cost of overall financial inclusion barriers. The company is going to launch the ICO to raise funds which they will use for further development of the platform as well as for scaling its business and add benefits in the projects so that participants get an reap utmost value of the system. Moreover, the profit portion will also provide to selected charities in the blockchain which are performing well through donor votes and scoring.

If you are looking for best ICO to invest then TXN ICO is a good option where you can invest to reap positive result in the future. However, checking ICO stats and ICO ratings is one of the efficient ways to verify the position of any ICO in the market.

اقرأ أكثر
  • نظرًا لوجود اختلافات زمنية في تحديثات المعلومات ، يجب التحقق من المعلومات الدقيقة حول كل مشروع ICO من خلال موقع الويب الرسمي أو قنوات الاتصال الأخرى.
  • هذه المعلومات ليست اقتراحًا أو نصيحة بشأن الاستثمار في تمويل ICO. يرجى التحقيق بدقة في المعلومات ذات الصلة بنفسك واتخاذ قرار بشأن مشاركة ICO.
  • إذا كنت تعتقد أن هناك مشكلات أو مشكلات يجب تصحيحها على هذا المحتوى ، أو إذا كنت ترغب في إرسال مشروع ICO الخاص بك إلى القائمة ، فيرجى مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني.
يرجى قراءة إخلاء المسؤولية والتحذير من المخاطر. عرض إخلاء المسؤولية والتحذير من المخاطر. <ديف إد = "ديسكليمر-لونغ-تكست" ستايل = "ديسبلاي: نون">     

تنويه & أمب؛ تحذير المخاطر     

يستند هذا العرض إلى المعلومات المقدمة فقط من قبل العارض ومعلومات أخرى متاحة للعموم. إن حدث بيع أو تبادل الرمز المميز لا علاقة له بكامله تجاه أصحاب الحيازات الدولية، ولا يمتلك أصحاب الحيازة أي مشاركة فيه (بما في ذلك أي دعم تقني أو ترويج). وتظهر مبيعات الرمز المميز المدرجة من الأشخاص الذين ليس لديهم علاقة بين أصحاب الحيازة فقط لمساعدة العملاء على تتبع النشاط الجاري في قطاع الرمز المميز العام. وليس المقصود من هذه المعلومات أن تصل إلى المشورة التي يجب أن تعتمد. يجب عليك الحصول على المشورة المهنية أو المتخصصة أو تنفيذ العناية الواجبة الخاصة بك قبل اتخاذ أو الامتناع عن أي إجراء على أساس المحتوى على موقعنا. إن أي شروط وأحكام يتم الدخول فيها من قبل المساهمين فيما يتعلق باقتناء الرموز المميزة هي بينهم وبين مصدر الرمز ومالك الشركة ليس البائع لهذه الرموز. لا يتحمل صاحب المشروع أية مسؤولية قانونية عن أية بيانات مقدمة من أطراف ثالثة فيما يتعلق بأي بيع رمزية وأي مطالبة عن خرق العقد يجب أن يتم أيضا مباشرة ضد الكيان المصدر للإصدار المميز المذكور هنا.     

إذا كانت لديك أي مخاوف بشأن طبيعة أو خصوصية أو قانونية هذا البيع المميز أو الأشخاص المتورطين فيه، فيرجى الاتصال مع معلومات مفصلة عن المخاوف الخاصة بك.