Crypto Capital World Summit launches in Vilnius, Lithuania

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Aiming to be one of the worlds largest conferences for crypto investments ‘Crypto Capital World’ is set to be the highlight of this years crypto events calendar.

For a country with a population smaller than Berlin, Lithuania has quickly become a major player in the crypto economy, sitting amongst the top 10 in the world for the number of active ICOs. Lithuania is luring fintech businesses with a favourable regulatory environment, large talent pool and the approachability of top governmental bodies.  

Blockchain technology lies at the heart of this established and growing fintech movement so it seemed logical for Crypto Capital World to facilitate a meeting of major crypto players and industry leaders right in the heart of the action. The panel at this years event will look at the current ICO and blockchain project investment scene and assess the qualities of good investment opportunities within the space.

The panel which includes notable investors and experts such as Timothy Draper - Venture Capitalist, Draper Associates and John Matonis - Founding Director of The Bitcoin Foundation will be challenged to look into whether retail investors get access to the best projects and what the role of venture capitalists is in this new era. Investors will share their insight on the current ICO market developments and discuss what other crypto investments are attractive to them.

"In five years you're going to walk in and try to pay fiat [a government-backed currency like the U.S. dollar] for a Starbucks coffee, and the barista is going to laugh at you, because they're going to say, 'What is this? Are you counting out pennies? Give me shells?' - Timothy Draper said on CNBC's "Fast Money”.

The focus of the regulatory panel will be to look at blockchain technology from a governmental level and discuss the challenges in creating a transparent, clear and friendly regulatory environments for the technology to flourish. Investors and the startup community will gather to better understand the intentions of policy makers and the direction of future regulations so as to move forward with the most accurate information.

The event also recognises that blockchain technology will not operate in isolation and Technology and Research panel will discuss the synergies between blockchain, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the rise of the machines giving the audience an opportunity to expand their minds and get a glimpse into the future.

One of the most important areas to be covered will be ICO’s as 2017 saw them become a new gold rush for the marketing industry. The panel of marketing gurus will share their experience of how to turn Cinderella to a Princess, but most importantly – how to spot those blockchain startups that only have fancy packaging without any substance 

The event organized by BZN Start in conjunction with Blockchain Centre Vilnius, and Nextury Ventures will take place on the 25th and 26th April 2018. For more information please contact by e-mail: