Blockchain 4 Business: Connect Blockchain to Real IoT Products

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# July 2018: Blockchain 4 Business, Munich/Germany, Hyperledger & IoT
# November 2018: Ethereum Camp, Frankfurt/Germany, Ethereum & Robotics

4-day hackathon # 100 participants # hard- and software prototypes

“We empower blockchain enthusiasts to transform their ideas into first prototypes by providing a best-in-class network and learning environment.”



About the DLT Camp:

The DLT Camp currently organizes two different Hackathons:

Ethereum Camp: Ethereum & IoT/Robotics.

Blockchain 4 Business: Hyperledger & IoT.

The DLT Camp has the network and the experience in organizing Blockchain Hackathons. More Blockchain / DLT Hackathons will follow with Corporate partners.

Past DLT Camps:

Ethereum Camp 2018, Berlin:

Ethereum Camp 2017, Frankfurt/Main:

Learn how to connect Hyperledger to real IoT products! Participate in the third DLT Camp: Blockchain 4 Business. See the trailer now (30s):

Join our "Blockchain 4 Business" in July, 2018 in Munich (Germany) that focusses on connecting Hyperledger to real IoT products. We will provide Raspberry Pi and HiKey hardware sets, sensors, actors, physical products and teach you coding and how to program it —  you will implement Hyperledger, connect real products and code a frontend. From a business model perspective, this can yield endless possibilities.

Experts, lawyers and scholars   will hold sessions to explore various facets of the intersection of IoT and blockchain. The camp is supported by the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, IBM, nexussquared, 21 Digital and more.


We will offer experts to show you how to connect Hyperledger Fabric to IoT products and how to code with Raspberry Pis, HiKey, sensors and actors. Further, we will organize multiple short lectures to inspire you, e.g. by lawyers, developers, industry experts.

As an IT developer (70 participants), you will develop a IoT/Hyperledger prototype connecting the Raspberry Pi and HiKey, accessing sensors and actors, including Hyperledger and presenting frontend interfaces.

As a business developer (30 participants), you will think of a business model and a clear product or service; you will develop marketing material and a first version of a website; you might also talk to potential customers to get their opinion.

WHAT do we provide:

  • Hardware devices: Raspberry Pi and HiKey hardware sets, sensors and actors with multiple I/O channels.
  • Experts that show you how to connect Hyperledger to the IoT hardware and how to program the Raspberry Pi and HiKey sets, the sensors and the actors.
  • A set of real products to be connected, e.g. a truck, a RFID reader, a 220V plug, a charging station for e-cars, a solar panel, a smart meter.
  • A great network, so that you will connect with others and with the teams consisting of both IT developers and business people.

WHAT you’re about to do:

  • You will think of a business model based on hardware and software.
  • You will develop this product/prototype within a team consisting of six to ten people.
  • Ideally, at the end of the week, you will have worked out a prototype, a website and a video to showcase your product.
  • You will present your product and your business model at the end of the week to the blockchain community in Munich, which we will invite as your audience.

WHO will contribute:

We have invited outstanding lecturers for this week! Experts, lawyers and scholars   will hold sessions to touch various facets of the intersection of IoT and blockchain.

  • Disrupting Industries With Blockchain (Prof. Dr. Andranik Tumasjan, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz - Professor)
  • Business Models for Decentralized IoT Blockchain Applications (Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner, Frankfurt School Blockchain Center - Head)
  • Lean start-up, canvas, blue ocean - what to use when starting a business? (Daniel Grassinger, nexussquared - Co-Founder)
  • more to come…

The camp is supported by the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, IBM, nexussquared, 21 Digital and more.


  • IT developers: fundamental knowledge of JavaScript, NodeJS, passion for innovation, high motivation! if possible, Raspberry Pi and C++
  • Business developers: fascination for blockchain and IT, high motivation! Ideally some preliminary marketing and design skills, entrepreneurship experience and passion for innovation.


You can buy tickets here as long as they are available:

The regular fee is EUR 600, but we provide 20 stipends reducing the fee to EUR 200. Feel free to apply here:! In case of a successful application, we will send you a voucher code that you can then use for your registration. Please note that we cannot provide accommodation; you have to organize this by yourself.

The DLT Camp is organized by Philipp Sandner (Frankfurt School Blockchain Center), Daniel Grassinger (nexussquared), Andranik Tumasjan (Technische Universität München) and 21 Digital (Daniel Hofinger, Lennart Wittstock, Jonas Beisswenger).

For more information visit:

We organize the next Blockchain 4 Business Camp will be organized in July 2018, and the next Ethereum Camp in November 2018. Contact us ( in case you want to know more.

Partner & Sponsors: Contact us here for our Partner-Team:

