Ronnie Lekond

Researcher, Advisor
About Ronnie Lekond
Hello and thank you for visiting my Profile! You are welcome to send me your projects, but please note that: I will only accept working with projects that want to put to market a real world product and projects that have customer/community oriented vision. ICO market is going crazy in the last year or so, we have to put all our efforts towards the evolution of the block chain technology and to make it possible for everyone to enjoy its benefits. So it is our responsibility as professionals to do our job with absolute integrity and not be caught in projects that promise to revolutionise the known world and even "disrupt" whole industries. All those projects, later happen to be nothing but inconsiderate ways to a get-rich-quick opportunity for the founders. Thank you for your time, Kind regards, Ronnie.
  • OiX.Global
    • Europe Marketing and Sales Director
  • Lekond & Co.
    • Proprietario
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