Juwan Lee

Blockchain, Fintech Influencer | Healthtech O2O |SV VC and Crypto Investor| ICO Advisor | SV VC| Hedge Fund Manager
$ 19,106,035
Projects Raised
Greater New York City Area
About Juwan Lee
I am a Blockchain, Fintech & Social Media Influencer, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Silicon Valley VC, Blockchain/ICO Advisor & Investment Professional. I have 30+ years of Financial Services and Investment Industry experience, managing portfolios and organizations on behalf of multi-billion dollar hedge funds, proprietary trading desks, asset management and VC firms. I am also the Co-founder and Director of the Hong Kong Blockchain Center. I was have worked with some of the world's best-known investment firms including SAC Capital, Rothschild's, Montgomery, JP Morgan & Bank of America. I have been involved in the funding of many Silicon Valley Start-ups and was an early institutional investor in Netscape and YAHOO! These days, I am a startup entrepreneur & advocate based in Hong Kong & New York.
Associated ICOs