Farooq A. Rahim

Founder & CEO at HeapX, Entrepreneur, Investor, Crypto & Blockchain Enthusiast
$ 3,206,736
Projects Raised
About Farooq A. Rahim
I am an entrepreneur, product designer and a person who loves to work with innovative technologies. At present, I am engaged with multiple startups as Head of Tech, Product Designer, Investor & Advisor. My First interaction with Bitcoin was in 2011 and am also an early adopter of altcoins. In 2017 my interest in cryptocurrency & blockchain technology encouraged me to begin my quest towards building a world-class CryptoCurrency Platform, HeapX with a team of excellent people. HeapX Limited based out of United Kingdom and its primary focus is to build a highly scalable & secure Crypto Assets Trading Exchange. HeapX roadmap includes developing a Crypto only Payment Gateway, Prime - A Crypto centered portfolio management app focused on institutional funds and building a high throughput blockchain to power HeapX decentralized platform.
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