Aubrey De Grey

Chief Science Officer at SENS Research Foundation; VP of New Technology Discovery at AgeX Therapeutics
$ 400,000
Projects Raised
United States
About Aubrey De Grey
I work on the development of medical innovations that can postpone all forms of age-related ill-health. My main focus is on rejuvenation: that is, the active repair of the various types of molecular and cellular damage which eventually cause age-related disease and disability, as opposed to the mere retardation of the accumulation of such damage. I perform this work in my capacity as chief science officer of SENS Research Foundation, a California-based 501(c)(3) charity that undertakes and funds such research; as VP of New Technology Discovery of AgeX Therapeutics, a biotechnology startup developing new therapies in the field of biomedical gerontology; and also as editor-in-chief of Rejuvenation Research, the highest-impact peer-reviewed academic journal focused on postponing aging.
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