Alexander Heidl

Partner, Consultant
Projects Raised
About Alexander Heidl
Experienced entrepreneur with extraordinary leadership and negotiation skills. Proven track record in breaking complex coherences into simple and understandable concepts in order to demonstrate added business value. Ability to discuss and agree upon corporate purpose on all staff levels, from specialist to executive. Broad experience with IT and Business consultancy across multiple industries and enterprise verticals. High premium to communicate fluently in English and German. Competent team player in international and intercultural environments. Identifying and creating demand for analytical processes and solutions. Driving ideas and visions to turn into mature concepts. Passion for making a difference and motivating others. As a global warrior Alexander has worked around the globe and is flexible in time and location. Specialties: intercultural competence, coaching, project management, abstract thinking, creativity, consultancy, turning complex coherences into simple and understandable concepts, team leading, IT generalist, Business Intelligence BI, Advanced Analytics, Data Science, Strategy Consultancy, Management Consultancy
  • Kingston University, London
    • BSc (Hons)
    • Computer Information Systems Design
  • Georg Kerschensteiner Schule, Bad Homburg
    • Abitur
    • Information Systems
  • AlphaZetta
    • Partner & Business Value Consultant
  • Sanco Dental Kft.
    • Project Manager
  • Teradata
    • Analytics & Business Value Consultant
  • See 9 more
  • HotspotFXi
    • IT Support Engineer
  • Bundeswehr
    • Obergefreiter
    • Military Police
  • Teradata
    • Account Executive
  • Raiffeisen International Bank Holding AG
    • Project Manager
    • Information Management Competence Centre (IMCC)
  • Scheuer és Társa BT.
    • Project Manager
  • Raiffeisen Bank International
    • Director
    • Project Manager
    • Business Intelligence Competence Centre (BICC)
  • Raiffeisen Zentralbank
    • Project Manager
    • Business Intelligence Competence Centre (BICC)
  • Fraport AG
    • 2nd Level Support Engineer
  • Strategic Networks Ltd.
    • IT Systems Engineer
Associated ICOs
Sisu token
Sisu token