Pandemic Shooter

Pandemic Shooter

Android, Windows

In June 2019, we launched TronGameCenter on the tron blockchain with our first game TronSpaceAdventure.

A very simple game, but one of the first on the Tron Blockchain that allowed its users to collect different tokens in weekly competitions and events without any investment. This was so well accepted that by May 2021 we offered 8 different "mini" games on PC and Android smartphones to our users.

Now, TronGameCenter has shed its skin and transformed into the Pandemic Multiverse.

The Relaunching on Enjin is complet

Pandemic Multiverse creates cross-game blockchain items that can be used as weapons, characters, and skins for all of its titles:

Pandemic Shooter

Pandemic Space Combat

Pandemic World

Using the powerful Enjin API and gas-free JumpNet blockchain, the Pandemic team was able to seamlessly manage the transition over to a new chain and ecosystem in just over a month.

By tokenizing its game items as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the blockchain, Pandemic is able to share NFTs across its entire ecosystem, adding value for players who can move their inventory between games—Pandemic's very own multiverse. Currently, our Pandemic Shooter is in open-beta and can already be downloaded and played.