


Recruiting heroes is the first job to open the gate of Dungeons & Dragons Metaverse. It expands your power and generates revenue regularly. DNDB is indispensable token for recruiting heroes. Please get them ready and start your journey. The more the number of stars the more difficult it gets. The rate of success in killing the boss depends on your level of your total ASR. You would better select the hero with at least the same level to meet the challenge. Just like you choose the level 3 hero with level 4 equipment , then you could defeat the boss in high rate. Launch the Battle with Evil Boss, and you will win the prize of BNB directly!Amazing rewards for players. More stars the boss represented, much more rewards you get if you win. Create your own Guild and Family with your friends. Be the most powerful Castle owner when you defensed the invaders. All your members in guild would got Castle Honor and BNB!