

Android, iOS

We are very excited to welcome you to the world of CENS WORLD, where you can have the best gaming experiences in the Metaverse while also earning money. CENS WORLD is the first Metaverse game to offer a Create-To-Earn (C2E) feature for creative players to make money. CENS WORLD will bring the best experiences to players, help them live in the real world, and admire the items they have created or owned most realistically. CENS WORLD is a unique game where in-game characters with distinctive personalities unfold the deep, rich, and sometimes eerie stories created by the player. CENS WORLD, also known as the Game of the Century, with the slogan "The Future Metaverse Open-World Game," promises to bring you super naturalistic experiences that few games can build.

For the first time in the series, it doesn't matter what the characters in the CENS WORLD are, but who they truly are, and they will come to life through a whole new set of creative tools in the CENS WORLD that are both powerful and simple to use. All of the above-mentioned factors will usher in a new era for CENS WORLD.

Players enter the metaverse in real-time or game time. Every day, the player will be subjected to random events such as illness, inability to work, or insects destroying the farm. Having such random events in the game will make it more interesting and may help reduce the possibility of inflation.