

Australia's Premier Crypto OTC Desk and Lending Platform.

حول Vield

At Vield, we're reshaping the cryptocurrency market with a steadfast commitment to transparency and safety. While our OTC desk continues to facilitate significant cryptocurrency transactions with efficiency, our primary focus is on providing secure and transparent lending solutions. Our dedication is encapsulated in our guiding principle: #boringbutsafe.

🏦 Tailored Lending Solutions:
Experience the power of your digital assets without the need to sell. At Vield, we offer flexible lending options that cater to both individuals in need of quick liquidity and businesses eyeing growth opportunities. Our approach to lending is straightforward and transparent—we do not rehypothecate your collateral. Our lending practices are designed with clarity and security in mind, guaranteeing the integrity of your digital assets.

💼 Efficient Crypto Trading:
For those engaging in large-scale cryptocurrency trades, our OTC desk provides a seamless, efficient, and transparent trading experience. We pride ourselves on competitive rates, swift execution, and a clear process, striving to make cryptocurrency trading accessible and straightforward.

🔒 Prioritising Your Security:
Security is not just a priority—it's a cornerstone of our operation. At Vield, we employ rigorous security measures to protect your assets and personal information, allowing you to engage with the cryptocurrency world confidently and safely.