There is a socio-financial transition taking place in the world. The organisation of our world into nation-states no longer ministers to the needs of humanity. Humanity yearns to be unified; yet our structures continue to divide us.
Money is one of those structures, predominantly defined by the nation-state. The divisions and frictions caused by our antiquated nation-state system have permeated our financial system. These frictions license financial intermediaries to extract financial value from humanity’s cross-border relationships, often at exorbitant rates.
“It is expensive to be poor” is truer in the financial industry than any other. We need a new organisational paradigm for society that transcends the nation-state. This in turn will remove some of the frictions in our financial system.
But our political systems are mired in vested interests that a deliberate transition by those in power to a system that puts the whole ahead of its constituent parts seems unimaginable, propagating the financial frictions.
In the absence of a societal paradigm that eliminates these man-made frictions, cryptocurrencies (and cryptoassets in general) have emerged and rise above national borders.
Cryptocurrencies hold the promise of being the most frictionless asset class humanity has ever seen. Yet the process to access these assets from our traditional financial system remains difficult.
VALR bridges the gap between our traditional financial system and the new world of cryptocurrencies.
Our mission is to usher in a new financial paradigm.