Software solutions for mobile business and blockchain industry.


Tatoshi Services is offering consulting and project management. We accompany mobile app projects from the idea to the go-live. The programming is done by our outsourcing partner Simple Task from Serbia.

Tatoshi Professional is a solution designed for Virtual Asset Service Providers to comply with the FINMA Guidance 02/2019 “Payments on the blockchain”. It provides a technical solution to ensure that VASPs are only sending and receiving blockchain transactions from wallets that belong to their customers.

Tatoshi Wallet is a decentralized self-storage solution without the risk of losing your private key and the related Bitcoins. With our app you can store recovery data with your friends and families. If you lose your phone and private key, you can easily recover it with the help of your friends. Involving your friends to protect you from loss is called social recovery.

المشاركة في الأحداث

  • CryptoFin
  • Põhja puiestee 27a, 10415 Tallinn, Eston...