

Credit and Debit Card Solution without the card. Touchless, Instant Credit and Debit Payments. From Bank Account to Token Wallet. NationPay Token Economies Make all Banks Super Banks.

حول Nationpay

NationPay provides banks with token economies in a setup that takes minutes to complete. Bank accounts link to wallets effortlessly while clients enjoy the freedom of access to their accounts to buy and remit using only their mobile device. The bank keeps the cash all the while the token is used in the economy increasing their profitability from float. NationPay is secured by the Ethereum blockchain. It is a cardless debit and credit card solution, plus remittance as Wallet to Wallet to ATM. We invite you to watch our introductory video and particpate in our crowdsale. NationPay is empowering banks to empower clients to empower everyone.
 NationPay enables clients to buy from other clients through a secure app. as touchless wallet to wallet scanned visual transfer. Value transfer is secured through bank-secured tokens. Wallet links directly to client bank or credit card account. Merchants are clients and clients are anyone from the same or different banks.
 Wallet to Wallet to ATM. Nothing is faster. Market determines trade pair ratio between tokens of different banks. Like Transfer-Wise, there is a market in both directions. The market moves the price. The most efficient remittance platform ever conceived. Allows anyone to particpate in the remitance chain through an open MarketPlace. Open market makes fees near zero.




James Yen
Chairman & Managing Director
Ken Silverman
CEO, Chief Scientist & Project Lead
Daniel Tiati Dang
Network and Integration Lead
Alex Oviedo
Product Design Lead

45 ICOs

$6 907 475

Martin Ramirez Cabel...
Strategic Partnerships
Ruben D. Ramirez Lez...
Advisor, International Bank Relations
Dr. Ben Goertzel
AI-Driven Real-Time Data Analysis
Zeev Kirsch, Esq.
Regulatory Oversight, Terms and Conditions
Dr. Anzalee Khan
Advisor, Grant Writer, Statistician

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