MetaMagic Global

MetaMagic Global

Angular kubernetes microServices Blockchain Robotic Process Automation.

حول MetaMagic Global

Automation Platform for Micro Services / Blockchain Developer Productivity is our raison d’etre and Developer Community is our mantra. We are building a high accelerator platform for developers looking to develop MicroServices applications and BlockChain applications. This will be among the industry’s first (if not the first) plug-and-play technology offerings in these fields.

MASA (Mesh App and Service Architecture) Platform to create Complex Enterprise Applications for Web, Android and iOS using cutting edge Scale Cube, Ports and Adapters (Hexagonal Architecture), Event Sourcing and CQRS, Domain Driven Design Architectures. All the MicroServices and Blockchain Design, Development & Deployment tools will be at your finger-tips via a simple cloud-native visual IDE available on both Desktop (Browser based) and iPad Pro tablets.




Araf Karsh Hamid
Co-Founder / CTO
Buck Kulkarni
Co Founder / CEO
Ketan Gote
Co Founder / Chief Development Officer
Deepali Arvind
Team member
Sagar Jadhav
Team member
Dattaram Gawas
Team member
Ashwini Agre
Team member
Rashmi Thakkar
Team member

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